jets-bill cowher
lions-mike dicka
raiderz- shannann
this takes my top honors as one of the worst posts in 2008 in siccness sports forum!
Cowher turned down job well before this post was written
Dicka...or how about Ditka wont coach anymore
billchek, or maybe billick? he could be in running in Denver I think, no way he takes over Browns
Shannann....3 strikes you're out, how about Shanahan...if you know ANYTHING about football you know Shanny and Davis had one of the biggest falling outs and Shanny is still owed money from knowing this, as well as the way Davis needs complete control, and shanny needs complete control, why the fuck would Shanny go there??
come on if you are going to post at least make a fucking post that has some thought behind it.