What are your beliefs??

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Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
how do you think we came to be here?? what is our purpose?? if you would like to call it religion then what came to make you believe in it??.

I myself have come to fall in the category between wiccan and shamanism.. heres why.... I do not believe that we are just some freak accident nor the creation of some grey bearded god sitting on a cloud made with the soul purpose of living in his image and by his will..

.. try to follow me now..

i believe that the collective conscience of life itself is interwoven in the fabrics of space time and physical reality itself, for there is no reality without life, correct?..we are the cataylist of what some percieve as fate.. and those who can attune to the vibrations of the collective conscience that surrounds us all can weave those fabrics...imagine all the things that are unseen and surrounding us such as energy vibrations, as water... drop a pebble in that water and the ripple expands effecting the nearby area.. what is connecting the fish, the reef, and the coral to that pebble? the water....

we are part of our planet for without a conscience to view it and interact and create more life.. it is a lifeless rock in orbit.. I believe that in our realm, other planets are empty.. but in the spirit/sub conscious/2nd realm, theres much more going on.. which is why the moon effects us, its another collective conscience interacting with our own using the same medium of attunement..and at its peak (the full moon) we can attune at a much better frequency with the earth through the energy vibrations that are emitted off the moon..

my shamanistic qualities come in because since we are all part of the earth we have a connection to the anima life that shares this living organism gaia.... i believe that all animals are part of another collective conscience.. and that we can attune with them, and other spirits in a diffrent dimensional space and time that share this earth with us.. and become part of their collective conscience as a bridge into their realm.. what some have dubbed the axis mundi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis_mundi

Ritual is the simple act of bringing into reality what you strive for.. the symoblism is to not lose track of what it is you truely want.. the silence is to keep the ripple from turning to a wave...


Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
Oh worrying about what the other person believes is never a good thing but i cant understand why u chose the word "worry" of all words... im simply sharing