B-Real is a Blood?
"Hailing from the small suburb of South Gate, a small, rough and tumble community literally a stone's throw from Watts, B-Real (Louis Freese) and Sen Dog (Senen Reyes) grew up in the thick of the activities--hip-hop music and gang activity--that obsessed many a Los Angeles teenager. Sure, the house parties with break dancing were frequent, and rap music burst from the seams with shows like "Uncle Jam's Army" and the legendary all rap AM station KDAY on the airwaves. But when the smoke cleared, if you weren't part of a clica (gang), your ass was gonna get smoked. To hang out on the street, you had to have quick hands and a strong reputation.
B-Real, whose father and older brother were veteranos of the street life, took to gangbanging and slanging drugs like a fish to water. He rolled with a set called Neighborhood Family, and for a long time lived a vida loca that would scare the s*** out of your average Ricky Martin fan.
"I've seen it all," B-Real once recounted to Los Angeles Times and Vibe magazine contributor Cheo Hodari Coker. "We moved all the time when I was little because my father never wanted anyone to know where we lived for too long. He was always doing some down-low gangster s*** that he didn't want to tell us about. He got shot 12 different times--and lived. Most of my family had been involved in gangsterism, so it was easy for me to be attracted to it."