The squares marked A & B are the EXACT same color. Don't believe it? Take a piece of paper and cut a hole over each one and check it. Also if you evaluate the two squares in photoshop they contain the same exact color qualities. Weird shit.....
Is This an Eskimo or an Indian?
Actually both! It is an Indian looking towards the left and an Eskimo with his back to you looking into a cave. Notice that the nose of the Indian forms the left arm of the Eskimo!
Is This the Father or the Son?
Actually both! The father is looking towards your right with his chin resting on his chest and the son is looking away from you over his left shoulder. Notice how the nose of the father forms the chin of the son!
Where is the Marble?
Look at this image for a while. The marble seems to be on the wall behind the steps but after awhile it may seem to be in the foreground of a set of upside stairs!