All i know is i took the Carb apart so my other friend could do something to it while he was puttin the rig on for the exhaust to get in. And we used a lot of those plastic ties, lol. If i was a mechanic id tell ya better. All i know is when we did a test drive you can hear the "shhoooo" (however you describe the noise).
Oh, but he lost a bolt when they got hot, lol, it was a biths to fix that leak. But he didnt go back and tighten it.
I know it was a tight limited place to work in and he made a home made part. And the timing is on now.
I can ask him soon and bring more descriptive details.
OH AND FOR HOME MADE PARTS... Weve made some tight intakes with hardware store pipes and PVC pipe. Lol, looks gay, but if there isnt a part available for your car, we can usually make something.