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May 13, 2002
Warning To All Men ----

Police are warning all men who frequent clubs, partygoers and unsuspecting pub regulars to be alert and stay cautious when offered a drink from any woman. A date rape drug on the market called "beer" is used by many females to target unsuspecting men.
The drug is generally found in liquid form and is now available almost anywhere. It comes in bottles, cans, from taps and in large "kegs." "Beer" is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them.

Typically, a woman needs only to persuade a guy to consume a few units of "beer" and then simply ask him home for no strings attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against this approach. After several "beers" men will often succumb to desires to perform sexual acts on horrific looking women to whom they would never normally be attracted.

After drinking "beer" men often awaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened to them the night before, often with just a vague feeling that something bad occurred. At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of their life's savings in a familiar scam known as "a relationship."

It has been reported that in extreme cases, the female may even be shrewd enough to entrap the unsuspecting male into a longer term form of servitude and punishment referred to as "marriage." Apparently, men are much more susceptible to this scam after "beer" is administered and sex is offered by the predatory female.

Please! Forward this warning to every male you know. However, if you fall victim to this insidious "beer" and the predatory women administering it, there are male support groups with venues in every town where you can discuss the details of your shocking encounter in an open and frank manner with similarly affected, like-minded guys. For the support group nearest you, just look up "Golf Courses" in the yellow pages.
Jan 26, 2003
^^^but that how ugly bitches get pregnant thus havin ugly bitches of their own...see if there wasnt beer there would prolly be dime bitches everywhere.....think about that next time you get drunk n start to think you're talkin a model off a Maxim magazine or somethin
May 13, 2002
bayGIANTS said:
how does christianity-nazi when the nazis werent started until like the 1920s and christianity has been around basically since christ died???
I don't feel like getting into great detail, but organized religion today, Christianity mainly, is similiar to the nazi's in a sense. Nazi's wanted to control the world...so does christianity. You have people all over the world, the america's, africa, middle east...spreading their religion like a virus. Christianity is merely a tool of control. Hitler knew this and used it. The catholic church sponcered Hitler. This is a known fact.

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
-Hitler (Mein Kampf)

"God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."
-George W. Bush
Nov 14, 2002
I don't feel like getting into great detail, but organized religion today, Christianity mainly, is similiar to the nazi's in a sense.
Only in the sense that stupid bullshit like a cross becoming a swastika (and mind you 2-0, I'm not religious by any means) is shocking.

It doesn't even make sense. Ok, so Christianity means that you're a Nazi? LoL. I'll argue with the both of them, but I've never had a debate with someone about church, where they brought up the need for genocide.

"God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them."
Let's just put aside why you think this is similar to something Hitler has said for a moment and look at it like this... George Bush just said in that very statement, that he believes that his opinion is strong and valid, and if the American people disagree with him then it will be their will to remove him. That sounds like the view of a confident and strong leader, as well as one that believes in the Democracy of the very country that he has been intrusted to lead.

I don't remember Hitler ever giving that choise to the Jews, and I also don't fully remember the jews, suicide bombing their UN buildings, bombing their Naval fleet, take out Germany's center of trade and also finishing the job off 10 years later due to a leader who was too busy getting blowjobs to worry about the safety of my and your family.

I'm not looking to get into an argument, but it's a simple fact dude... You just do shit to shock people, and in the end all you have is a bunch of rhettoric from extremist websites to back it up rather than your honest opinion and/or facts to back it up. I mean, I can come up with quotes that anyone has said to make them look nuts.

Just imagine how I could make you look if I cut and pasted through some of your posts?
May 13, 2002
I never said that if you are christian you are a nazi. I stated that "Christianity is similiar to the nazi's in a sense." I also stated that, "Christianity is merely a tool of control." which I'm sure you can agree with.

I don't want to get into a big debate with you (again), obviously we don't agree when it comes to politics and that's cool with me.
(just for the record, I wasn't comparing Hitler to Bush...the reason behind the quotes was to show how religion is used as a tool)

I thought I made it clear why I have the pic in my sig, "The reason it's in my sig is to protest the GOM admin's. Nothing personal" To make a long story short, basically a thread got locked down and people were threatened with the possiblity of being banned because of a picture that was posted (not nearly as bad as the pic in my sig).

You can say whatever you want about me Zero, just remember that sometimes there is more to the story then what first appears.
Oct 10, 2003
I dont live in the states no more due to my parent being in the army and shit,but now that i have lived in alot of places all over the world,the only thing i always wonder and will probably keep wondering is why they dont separate the Goverment from religion,times have changed to much for it to still work.But still u see county's all over the world making decisions based on religion.Religion the biggest killa of all time