Ward Connerly

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May 8, 2002

July 27, 2002
The NAACP's Decline and Fall
Posted in the Wall Street Journal Tuesday, July 2002(page A16)

Does anyone, other than the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, really take the NAACP seriously anymore? An organization with such a glorious history of championing equal treatment for all Americans now finds itself in the position of being largely irrelevant in the ongoing national dialogue about race. What a tragic farce this group has become.

When I joined the NAACP over 40 years ago as a student at Sacramento State college, the organization was dedicated to passing laws that guaranteed voting rights for blacks in the South as well as the right to have a meal at a lunch counter regardless of your skin color. Back then, even though we strongly disagreed with the Southern politicians who defended the racial status quo, we were generally polite and respectful in our criticism of them and their opinions.

In other words, thoughtful and moral arguments, not jive insults, were used to overcome bigotry and to promote the equal-rights agenda. These days, the latter seems to be all that the old-line civil-rights groups are capable of delivering.

'Snake Oil'

Last week, Julian Bond, chairman of the NAACP's board of directors, speaking in Houston to an aging crowd of nearly 4,000, slung insults at everyone from President Bush to yours truly. Last year, before Sept. 11, Mr. Bond told the same audience in New Orleans that Bush's nominees to various positions in the judiciary and his administration were from the "Taliban wing of the GOP." One would think that the NAACP leadership would recognize how such mindless invective trivializes and disgraces the organization in the eyes of the public.

Apparently not. Of President Bush, Mr. Bond said, "We knew he was in the oil business. We didn't know it was snake oil." Attorney General John Ashcroft was called "a cross between J. Edgar Hoover and Jerry Falwell." I was described as "affirmative action's poster child" and a "con-man." This is the triumph of intellectual laziness over intellectual advocacy.

Not only did Mr. Bond sling mud at the Bush administration, he took aim at some of our nation's most respected think tanks and public interest legal groups, including the Center for Equal Opportunity, the Institute for Justice, and the Federalist Society. According to Mr. Bond, these organizations make up a kind of secret grassy-knoll "network of funders, groups, and activists who promote school vouchers and the assault on affirmative action."

Worse than the insults and rhetoric, however, is the fact that Mr. Bond is willing to sacrifice truth to hyperbole. Lately, he's been tying to pass off the whopper that school vouchers are opposed by the majority of blacks. Does he think his audience is stupid? Every mainstream poll has concluded that blacks as a group are the most fervent supporters of vouchers.

The NAACP's opposition to vouchers is indeed a strange turn of events. In 40 years it has gone from opposing segregated schools to opposing school vouchers for inner-city kids in failing and bankrupt schools. Like its opponent of another era, George Wallace, who stood in the schoolhouse door to block black kids from getting in, the NAACP now stands in the door of rotten schools to keep black kids from getting out. How can a group like this survive? Or, more importantly, why should a group like this survive?

Contrary to the conclusion of the NAACP, blacks are not disenfranchised from voting in this country, but they are self-marginalized. Because the NAACP has degenerated into a wholly owned political arm of the Democratic Party, blacks are the most predictable voters in virtually any election anywhere. The NAACP leadership keeps everyone on the plantation and threatens to withhold this lockstep voting unless the Democrats toe the line. This is power politics at its rawest.

Next in line for shakedown from the NAACP are Fortune 500 corporations like General Motors, Coca Cola, and Texaco. Each of them has ponied-up millions of dollars to race-baiting lawyers under threat of nation-wide NAACP boycotts. In November 2000, Coca-Cola settled a class action lawsuit for $192.5 million. In November 1996, Texaco settled one for $115 million and 11% salary increase to all employees in the plaintiff class. And, in January 1999, Boeing settled one for $15 million.

NAACP muscle is similarly applied to corporate America to "advertise" or be corporate sponsors at NAACP conventions. Sometimes, there isn't even an event associated with the corporate payments leveraged by the NAACP. In October 1999, Bell Atlantic Foundation gave the NAACP $500,000 to improve their communications network with local affiliates.

Just a few days ago, at its annual convention, NAACP President Kwesi Mfume announced the receipt of $670,000 in cash and software from Microsoft to upgrade technology at NAACP national and local offices. The wording of his announcement was pretty rich: Our constructive relationship with Bill Gates and the people of the larger Microsoft family has allowed the NAACP the ability to do more in helping to reduce the gap in technology so evident in poor communities across America. Even more is required as we go forward. We believe that Microsoft not only understands that, but is also prepared to join us as an active partner in the work ahead."

When was the last time that the NAACP has done anything for "poor communities" in the U.S.? The membership base and the beneficiaries of this organization's activities are largely middle-class government bureaucrats. But when Mr. Mfume says "even more is required" and "We believe that Microsoft not only understands that, but is also prepared to join us as an active partner in the work ahead," other corporations get the message.

Not the Way Forward

Despite enormous progress, the U.S. has not fully solved its problems of race and ethnicity. To get to the next level, we need a reasoned and respectful exchange of ideas. The complexity of racial issues requires the people who debate them to chose their words carefully. The Julian Bonds of the world, who have made a career of slandering those who simply don't share their version of "civil rights," are not the way forward.
Ward Connerly is founder and chairman of the American Civil Rights Institute, a TownHall.com member group.
May 13, 2002
Stop posting this cocksuckers articles

Ward Connerly and his rich white benefactors want to erase Black people from the official American map. Hispanics are also targeted to disappear from the public record before they even have a chance to properly celebrate their “Largest Minority” status. Asians, Pacific Islanders and Native Americans would lose the tools to measure how society is treating them, and the ability to do much of anything about it.
It is fitting that the Connerly-led attempt at ethnic cleansing, the purest product to date of racist American illogic, will be staged in California, the first state to achieve a non-white majority – 53 percent, according to the 2000 census. On October 7, California voters will have the opportunity to engage in two acts of mass self-delusion: first, they can elect Arnold Schwarzenegger governor, which requires that they pretend he is an actual person, rather than an Aryan-modeled hologram with an accent; second, they can vote “Yes” on Connerly’s Racial Privacy Act (RPI):

The state shall not classify any individual by race, ethnicity, color or national origin in the operation of education, public contracting or public employment… Classification in other state operations are prohibited unless they serve a compelling state interest and are approved by two-thirds majority of the legislature and approved by the governor.
The intended effect of RPI is to make it nearly impossible to compile evidence of the existence of racism, or to create public policy that would counter the effects of racism, or to identify the victims of racism. A “color blind” society would be achieved by blinding citizens and government to the facts of bias. It is the equivalent of vanquishing crime by making it impossible to introduce evidence of lawbreaking, or conquering disease by eliminating the practice of medicine. Racial peace will reign in the land, the theory goes, since there will be no official racial facts available to argue about.

Minority rule
Only an insane citizenry would vote to deprive itself of information vital to the workings of society, which is why Ward Connerly has every reason to believe he will win in October. Although whites are a minority in California (and will soon be, in Texas), they still make up a majority of adults in the state, and 70 percent of the voters. Connerly and his insanely named American Civil Rights Institute won passage of Proposition 209 in 1996, ending affirmative action at state institutions and agencies. He duplicated the victory in the State of Washington, in 1998, failed in Michigan in 2000, but is scheduled for a comeback bid on that state ballot’s in November 2004.

Although the 64 year-old Connerly likes to think of himself as a dragon-slayer (“This is almost like a war out there”), he’s actually more like an Energizer Bunny in service of his creators, the Bradley, Scaife and Olin Foundations. NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, speaking at the organization’s national conference in Miami this summer, placed Connerly and the Racial Privacy Initiative in their proper, mercenary context:

If it passes, it will hide racial differences in health care, education, and disease, making it harder to file discrimination complaints and to hold discriminatory organizations and institutions responsible for their deeds.
It will keep the state from collecting much-needed demographic information by race, but as long as race counts in America, we've got to count race.

If it passes, California will keep track of every kind of discrimination except discrimination by race and ethnicity. Studies on racial profiling, disparate medical treatment for people of color, black and white rates of incarceration, racial composition of juries, pass/fail rates for students of different races, loan approval rates for blacks – knowing all this and more will be forbidden.
The only color Connerly recognizes is the color of money. After years of loudly complaining about the so-called "civil rights industry," he's created a lucrative multi-million dollar career fighting fairness. He says he's non-profit but not if you look at his paycheck.

He made four times the salary of the governor of California last year – $700,000. In the four years ending in June 2002, he made $2.1 million dollars.
Connerly is probably the Hard Right’s highest paid Black front man – and lies shamelessly about it. “If I'm doing this as a puppet for somebody, I'm one of the dumbest puppets in the world. At least I should get paid for it, you know,” the University of California Regent told the Interracial Voice magazine in April 1999. In fact, from January 1, 1997 to January 1, 1999, Connerly’s one-man-band American Civil Rights Institute collected $1,750,000 from the three evil sisters Bradley, Scaife and Olin, who contributed $1,425,000 more to their Black front over the next two years and continue to sustain Connerly’s frenetic activities. So popular is Connerly among the racist rich, he opened up an additional “non-profit” pocket, the American Civil Rights Coalition, from which he also draws a salary. Julian Bond’s figures on Connerly’s income were documented by the Sacramento Bee, in a June 28 article.

The best Internet source on the paymasters of the Hard Right is MediaTransparency.org, which offers a veritable “all you ever wanted to know” about Ward Connerly, the political hustler who masquerades as a concerned, color-blind citizen:

“Every day that I speak out as an ordinary citizen,” he said in remarks March 23, 2000 at the Reagan Library, “ I do so as a product, a disciple, of that Reagan revolution – a revolution that produced a band of citizens at Americans for Tax Reform, American Enterprise Institute, Empower America, Claremont Institute, CATO Institute, Heritage Foundation, Manhattan Institute, Hoover Institute, the Young America’s Foundation, and a host of other think tanks, talk show hosts, and activist organizations dedicated to making America better by completing the Reagan Revolution.”
Each of the organizations named by Connerly is funded through some combination of Bradley, Scaife and Olin. Connerly’s book, Creating Equal, was published by Bradley’s Encounter Books, positioning Connerly among such literary lights as Charles Murray, author of the infamously racist The Bell Curve, who received $1 million from Bradley.

Playing to the mob
Ward Connerly, the self-described “self-made” businessman, is really just another ward of the super-wealthy, who are smart enough to realize that the only way they can remain on top while the domestic economy crumbles is to constantly incite racial conflict (“This is almost like a war out there”) – the always reliable, ever available quick fix for whatever threatens the rule of Big Capital. Bradley, Scaife and Olin understand that you can always gather a quorum for a lynch mob in America.

The Racial Privacy Act is an incitement to scorched earth race warfare, a declaration of a desire to purge offending populations from the national record, even as the U.S. moves inexorably to becoming a majority non-white country. It is also, of course, a farce.

The U.S. Census was initiated in 1790 to serve the needs of business. Commerce required that people and property be counted, to provide businessmen with better tools to sell more things to more people. Even slaves had to first be counted before being politically reduced to three-fifths their personhood. They were then counted again, their value tallied as property, a vital measurement of the health of the nation.

The United States overflows with data, its population constantly sliced and diced by armies of marketers. Speculators electronically rush their monies from place to place based on numbers expensively extracted from the cacophony of market capitalism. Politicians console unemployed manufacturing workers by reminding them that the U.S. is the leading player of the Information Age.

Connerly’s Racial Privacy Act would make it prohibitively expensive to gather information on how race really works in the public sectors of society. Black and brown people’s arguments would thus be reduced to anecdotes, even as prison populations become Blacker, schools serving minority students visibly deteriorate, and cemeteries fill up on the Black side of town.

Private capital will have no problem assembling, cooking and disseminating its own data. And who is better suited to fund and oversee this task than – Bradley, Scaife and Olin, with the help of Ward Connerly and his fellow hirelings among the “think tanks, talk show hosts, and activist organizations dedicated to making America better by completing the Reagan Revolution.”

Patricia J. Williams got it right in a May 30, 2002 article in The Nation:

It is actually about privatizing racially based behavior. And privatized racism has been a dream of the far right since the first whites-only private schools sprang up in the wake of Brown v. Board of Education. Segregation is "private choice," a "social" problem, not a legal one, according to this logic. You can't force people to love you. Suing over discrimination is victimology. As long as the government doesn't force you to drink out of a separate water fountain or go to a separate school, then that is the limit of equal opportunity.
All roads lead back to the same cabal of rich racists. In Michigan, Connerly works hand in glove with heirs to the Wal-Mart fortune and the President of Amway in support of his Michigan Civil Rights Initiative – Hard Right-speak for the anti-affirmative action referendum on the November, 2004 ballot. (See WorldNetDaily.com, July 24.) Organizers for BAMN (By Any Means Necessary) plan an August 23 march in Washington to “defeat Ward Connerly and his segregationist billionaires club.”

The rest http://www.blackcommentator.com/52/52_connerly.html
May 13, 2002
Why did you post his picture? Out of all the hundreds of articles you have posted you have NEVER posted the writers picture. Is it because he's "black"? Is this the only reason? Wow, good job Mclean, you have found a rich black man who is against the NAACP! Great job!

"Connerly has stated he is one-quarter Black, three-eighths Irish, one-quarter French and one-eighth Choctaw."
Dec 2, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Why did you post his picture? Out of all the hundreds of articles you have posted you have NEVER posted the writers picture. Is it because he's "black"? Is this the only reason? Wow, good job Mclean, you have found a rich black man who is against the NAACP! Great job!

"Connerly has stated he is one-quarter Black, three-eighths Irish, one-quarter French and one-eighth Choctaw."
yeah, why?
May 8, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Why did you post his picture? Out of all the hundreds of articles you have posted you have NEVER posted the writers picture. Is it because he's "black"? Is this the only reason?
i have posted several other authors pictures with thier articles, i have posted Bill O'Reilly, Col. David Hackworth, Walter E. Williams, Laura ingraham, Michael Reagan, Thomas Sowell, Rush, as well as a few others.

so i have posted picturesd of both black and white guys and some women also.
May 6, 2002
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Full of shit.
Back on topic, Fuck NAACP they aint never in the hood. Why dont the rich asses build schools so we can do for self? Bloodsuckers of the poor thats all they is.
MOTHAFUCK Ward Connerly!!!! He aint about shit but suckin cracker dick all day long. That sellout betta pray he dont ever cross my path. Oh yea he aint Black, he 100% BITCH.
May 13, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
i have posted several other authors pictures with thier articles, i have posted Bill O'Reilly, Col. David Hackworth, Walter E. Williams, Laura ingraham, Michael Reagan, Thomas Sowell, Rush, as well as a few others.

so i have posted picturesd of both black and white guys and some women also.
Whatever dawg, your full of shit. WHEN was the last time you posted a picture of the writer? What, 10 months ago? Of O'Reilly?
May 8, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Whatever dawg, your full of shit. WHEN was the last time you posted a picture of the writer? What, 10 months ago? Of O'Reilly?
ya it has been a long time because i havent posted an article from World Net Daily, Jewish World Review or Townhall for a long time and those are the ones where the picture is part of the article.

everytime i post an article by some1 new and if their is a picture i will post if also.

for example on the very first article i posted by Bill O'Reilly i posted his picture along with it. from then on i just posted his articles without it.

it also helps when i get this columns from website where a picture of the article is also given.

i also in the past p[osted article and pictures of Larry Elder (black) and Neil Boortz (white)