I'm not looking at what puffy says, or M.T.V. it's just common sence that we need to get out there to vote, Puffy is just a spokes person for the hip-hop community, we need that. Once Cash money started wearing bling, everyone in the world started sporting it, you always need a point man to set it off. Puffy probably didn't express the meaning "Vote or Die" or he didn't put it in the correct term for you to understand, but me being from the streets of Los Angeles, I understood, either you vote to make things better just as Martin Luther King did, or you continue to get punked by these politicians, just like we stand out there on the corner selling our cds on the streets, we're putting it down, and that's what we need to do in this country, look between the line dogg, fucc what puffy is saying, look out for your kids and family, think about making their life better, I don't like Kerry nor Bush, shit I wish Opra was running or even Hilary Clinton, but understand dogg, puffy is just the awareness pond.
"VOTE or DIE" it's your kids future, Make it a better place...