I am using adobe audition 1.5. I just wanted to know some tips on how to use the dynamic processing. Can someone show me some of the presets and settings they use?
I am not familiar with the program.
Also is it better to EQ after/before compressing?
This depends on the source material. With some material and eq's it is better to compress first. If you compress after the eq you'll bring up noise that was caused from the eq or present in the source material. Placing compression first controls the input, peaks etc, but seriously IMHO it all depends on what sounds best. I set my plugin chain up as COMP-EQ-COMP. This allows me audition both methods by simply bypassing the first or last plugin. In addition, I sometimes keep it that way (due to source material) because it allows me to drive the gain a bit more and still keep things from getting out of hand.
I know there isn't a standard way to compress your vocals but what are some of the settings/presets you use?
I dial in settings from scratch or I start with some preset found within the plugin and go from that point. I have no numbers or anything I can tell you because many compressors have different controls. Some don't have hard or soft knee settings. Some only have input, threshold , ratio and gain. Some have like 10 different knobs with two or more doing the same thing but doing it a different way. My suggestion to you is to google compression and understand what input, ratio, threshold, attack, release and knee are.