I just wanted to give a quick heads up about a virus that's going around. It looks as though someone is trying to spread a virus using other peoples names as the sender in order to make you think it's coming from a legitimate source. I've gotten a few of them sent to me from servnu151@hotmail and one from mrdsane@hetnet (obviously not really sent by Mr. D-Sane or Servnu151 but by somebody else using there name). Somebody is probably going into the profiles and getting the email addresses from there and then creating fake email accounts with other siccness members names. I got one that said it was from the FBI and that they've confiscated all the files on my computer due to illegal downloading of mp3's, software and movies and I'll be getting court documents sent in the mail within the next few days. Dont freak out if you see this. It was just a virus and not a legitimate letter from the FBI. That shit had me scared for a second though. Anyways, I just wanted to warn everyone in case they get sent a virus and or the fake FBI note.
Update your virus scan programs.
Let me know if anyone else ran into this problem.
Update your virus scan programs.
Let me know if anyone else ran into this problem.