Videotapes show secret CIA & Venezuelan terrorists conspiring another coup d'etat

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May 13, 2002
Posted: Friday, February 06, 2004
By: Reporters

Videotapes show secret CIA & Venezuelan terrorists conspiring another coup d'etat

Video-taped images filmed by Venezuelan intelligence agents are to be screened in Los Angeles (Calif., USA) later this month under the title: "Agenda Oculta" (Hidden Agenda) showing one of the most recent hidden conspiracy meetings between the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Venezuelan opposition terrorists in the act of planning another bloody coup d'etat against the democratically-elected government of Venezuela.

The Spanish-language presentation will be at the Echo Park Film Center at 1200 North Alvarado Echo Park, Los Angeles at 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Thursday, February, 26, with English subtitles.

One of the most astonishing moments in the video is when someone says "we cannot walk around telling everyone we're with the CIA...” The video maps a series of references made to the US Embassy in Caracas and US Ambassador to Venezuela Charles S. Shapiro. It verified the attendance of a US Embassy staffer and a former US Army Colonel (identified only as a Col. Corry) speaking of operative modes, discretion, etc.

The video was sent to the US Congress by the Venezuelan National Assembly (AN) deputies Nicolas Maduro and Juan Barreto to prove what they alleged to be "a flagrant interference by the CIA in the Venezuelan domestic affairs," as well as to demand that "the most outrageous and vicious activities against Venezuelan sovereignty should immediately cease."

The video will be re-screened in Los Angeles in March as part of a series of recent videos from Venezuela ... that venue and others will be announced shortly.

For information email: [email protected]

Hey Nitro, why don't you go and watch the video and tell me all about it, ok?
Mar 18, 2003
Cool shit, I have the copy that the Venezuelan intelligence agents sent me right here, I'll post what's on it when I'm through watching it. Good lookin' out.
Apr 25, 2002
I don't know much about Venezuela current situation but whats the reason for the coup? Is Venezuela heading in a direction thats good and hurts Americas interest? Or the other way around?

Knowing the CIA's involvement in my country and as well as other countries I can't imagine them doing something positive.
May 13, 2002
Tenkamenin said:
I don't know much about Venezuela current situation but whats the reason for the coup? Is Venezuela heading in a direction thats good and hurts Americas interest? Or the other way around?

Knowing the CIA's involvement in my country and as well as other countries I can't imagine them doing something positive.
Venezuela is heading in a direction that is good for THEIR people, the average man, which hurts some big amerikan corporations. Typical reason for CIA involvement. They also have a lot of black gold.

Check out these threads,

Coup-making in Venezuela: The Bush and oil factors

evidence the CIA planned to bring down Chavez Frias' airplane

Bush Administration Behind Failed Military Coup in Venezuela

Venezuela has proof Washington was behind failed coup

Bush administration’s efforts against democracy in Venezuela

May 13, 2002
I'm still trying to get my hands on THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED which "In 2001, Kim Bartley and Donnacha O’Briain traveled to Venezuela to videotape a behind-the-scenes profile of President Hugo Chavez, the democratically elected leftist president who had been swept into office by a groundswell of support from the poor sections of Venezuela’s cities and countryside. While filming in April of 2002, they found themselves in the midst of a coup attempt against Chavez, and their cameras were there to capture those incredible moments of April 2002. They compiled this footage to create the documentary “The Revolution will not be Televised.” Bartley and O’Briain were interviewed by Brian Forrest in October of 2003."