Venezuelan Intelligence Sources Warn Of USA-CIA Backed Coup Attempt

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May 13, 2002
Venezuelan Intelligence Sources Warn Of USA-CIA Backed Coup Attempt

10/10/03: Venezuelan intelligence sources have informed that a very much heightened state of security alert is being maintained this weekend following multiple indications that a USA-CIA initiative is about to be launched against the government of President Hugo Chavez Frias but that the Venezuelan Armed Forces (FAN) believe they will, nevertheless, be able to contain an eventual threat to Venezuela's constitutional rule. USA-backed military-civilian infiltrators are said already to be on the ground in Venezuelan territory but they have not yet reached key positions.

Advance knowledge of their movements by Venezuela's Directorate of Military Intelligence (DIM) has been a major factor in the discovery and counter-operations now believed to have been set in progress. readers will be aware that this e-publication broke the news of a CIA plot early in 2002 as a preliminary to the opposition-launched coup d'etat in April which saw President Hugo Chavez Frias taken prisoner and the installation of USA puppet dictator Pedro Carmona Estanga for just two days during which he dissolved the Constitution, Parliament and the Judiciary in one fell swoop