Venezuelan communities take centre stage

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May 13, 2002
Good example of democracy, worth the read...


By James Ingham
BBC News, Caracas

In classrooms, town halls and squares across Venezuela, people are coming together to talk about their communities.

These are the 26,000 communal councils that are becoming the new power base in Venezuela as President Hugo Chavez continues turning his country into a socialist republic.

If changes being proposed to the country's constitution are accepted, then it will be these councils that have more say in what happens in their local communities.

With promises of less bureaucracy in the way, ordinary citizens will, in theory, be able to apply directly to the president's commissions for funds and manage those funds themselves.

The scope of President Chavez's power worries some sectors in Venezuela, and there are plenty of people who oppose reforms which they say are forcing everyone into one way of doing things.

Nevertheless, one recent poll suggested Mr Chavez could count on 70% support if and when his proposed reforms are put to the vote.


One of Caracas's poorest neighbourhoods, named after the day democracy was restored when a dictatorial president fled the country, is 23 January. Here dilapidated tower blocks stand out starkly against the city's skyline.

Surrounding them are ramshackle, red-brick homes, often built precariously into the hills, almost balancing on top of each other.

The area is beset with crime and social problems, but there is a strong sense of community and a desire from many to improve their lives.

On a rainy afternoon, people from around a dozen or so community councils have come together to talk about their problems and discuss what they want the role of the councils to be in the future.

Tibisay Cabaniel is a young woman who speaks on behalf of many of her female neighbours.

"We have problems with homes that are badly built that at risk of collapsing in the rain. There are mothers without work. There are so many problems. But participating can really help solve our problems," she said.

"Now, with the integration of the councils and the executive powers of the president, we can begin to give answers to our communities," another spokesman, Jimny Avila, said.

"Hugo Chavez is getting rid of corruption and bureaucracy."

As they sat in a circle writing ideas on a flip chart, one problem kept arising - participation. How to get more people to take part in these local forums.

Adriana Scovino, from the municipal council, was leading the discussions and helping the groups.

"They need to learn how organise themselves and also how to motivate their neighbours into participating," she said.

"For many years we've had a culture of non-participation, but this is changing. It's a slow process. It's not easy."


President Chavez wants to double the number of community councils to 50,000 by the end of the year in what he calls an "explosion of communal power".

He says in the future the councils will take on more responsibilities currently held by governing bodies. They could run local utilities and even choose judges. All their decisions would be approved by local citizens assemblies.

Rest of article HERE
Feb 23, 2005
nhojsmith said:
how will the US destroy hugo and his government? thoughts?
Duh, after we defeat Iran while still in Iraq. We will try to take out Hugo and Kimmy at the same time. America will always defeat commie liberals LOL.