Venezuela 'to sever all Israel ties'

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May 13, 2002
Wish more leaders would do the same...


The President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, has said his country is likely to sever ties with Israel in protest at its military offensive in Lebanon.

Mr Chavez said he had "no interest" in maintaining relations with Israel, whom he has accused of committing genocide.

Venezuela recalled its charge d'affaires to Israel last week, prompting Israel to withdraw its ambassador to Caracas on Monday.

Mr Chavez recently expressed his support for Israel's arch-foe, Iran.

In a televised speech, Mr Chavez said he had "no interest in maintaining diplomatic relations, or offices, or businesses, or anything with a state like Israel".

Mr Chavez rounded on Israel at the weekend, accusing the Jewish state of committing a "new Holocaust".

"Israel has gone mad. It's attacking, doing the same thing to the Palestinian and Lebanese people that they have criticised - and with reason - the Holocaust. But this is a new Holocaust."

The Venezuelan president has also angered Israel by showing support for Iran, which backs Hezbollah and has said the answer to the crisis in Lebanon is the elimination of Israel.

During a visit to Tehran at the end of last month, Mr Chavez said Venezuela would "stand by Iran at any time and under any condition".

Israel said it had withdrawn its ambassador to Venezuela "as an act of protest against the one-sided policy of the president of Venezuela and in light of his wild slurs against the State of Israel".


::waits for media to label Chavez an anti-semite:::


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • Ry


Chavez is the greatest, every other world leader could learn a lot from him...
May 13, 2002
Israel withdrew its ambassador from Caracas yesterday in response to an identical move made by Venezuela towards Israel last week. On the same day, Venezuela sent a Boeing 707 jet full of aid to Lebanon to help alleviate the humanitarian crisis caused by the Israeli bombing.


The humanitarian aid sent by Venezuela to Lebanon will not only be food, drinking water and medicines but also doctors and paramedics. This is on top of a fund of private Venezuelan donors set up at the start of the conflict. The aid left in the same jet that has been bringing Latin American refugees that have fled Beirut.

“You can’t explain how the world watches this with arms crossed and how nobody does anything to stop this horror. The least we can do is to raise our voice in favor of peace and life,” Chavez added.

The Venezuelan President has remained consistent in his condemnation of Israel throughout the current Middle East crisis. He just returned from an international tour where he frequently referred to the happenings in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. He has called Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians genocidal and, while in Iran, compared the bombing of Lebanon with Hitler’s campaign against the Jews during the Second World War,

“The Israeli elite repeatedly criticize Hitler’s actions against the Jews, and indeed Hitler's actions must be criticized, not just against the Jews but against the world. But it's also fascism what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people ... terrorism and fascism,” he said.
May 19, 2005
how do yall think israel should have reacted since it seems a few people here seem to be for lebanon,and i aint tryin to start an argument,im just wondering,and if theres another post where you guys discusses this that would be sufficient


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
DeceptaKhan said:
how do yall think israel should have reacted since it seems a few people here seem to be for lebanon,and i aint tryin to start an argument,im just wondering,and if theres another post where you guys discusses this that would be sufficient

oh read "Iran most likely to hit israel" i just posted a report on their sort of about this
May 19, 2005
ill check it out,i dunno, i jus think its wierd,and i dont know enough about the current situation to boldy hold an argument,but it seems like people are for lebanon because there the under dog,or cause thev been innocent,or more innocent then israel.iv jus herd that certain spots in lebanon have been launchin small missles towards israel for yeeeears,tryin to kill israelis,and apparently israel is having enough,i dont think war is the answer because whoe ever wipes out who first aint gonna solve the bigger issue at hand.and i aint backin one state over the other,but im jus tryin to figure out where all this hatred has stemmed from.the only shit i hear is that all the middle east countries that are agaisnt israel want there entire race(jews) wiped off the planet...why?because thousands of years ago they came and took that land and claimed it theres.i dont know,if someone could educate me that would be great


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
i think heresy would be good at informing on that

EDIT: also, now lets say it was switch israels and lebanons places.
if Lebanese were to kill 900+ civilians, wound 3000,and displace 750,000 instead, would Bush be all up in lebanons case, claiming war crimes and wanting to invade it to help the ally Israel?

well guess what, it still spead up the exports of weapons and f16s to Israel.
just something to ponder about.