Venezuela claims DEA is trafficking drugs through Venezuela

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May 13, 2002
Venezuela Criticizes DEA As 'New Cartel'

Tuesday May 8, 2007 12:46 AM
AP Photo XLM103
Associated Press Writer

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Venezuela on Monday said it will not allow U.S. agents to carry out counter-drug operations in the country, accusing the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration of being a ``new cartel'' that aids traffickers.

Justice Minister Pedro Carreno said the South American nation suspended cooperation with the agency in 2005 after determining that ``they were moving a large amount of drugs.'' President Hugo Chavez at the time also accused the DEA of spying.

``The United States with its DEA monopolizes the shipping of drugs like a cartel,'' Carreno told reporters. ``We determined that we were evidently in the presence of a new cartel.'' He did not elaborate.

Spokesman Brian Penn said the U.S. Embassy categorically denies the accusation and called the DEA ``the leading agency combating drug trafficking around the world.''

``We'd like to cooperate with Venezuela to not only increase the number of seizures in Venezuela but also to help them to prosecute narcotraffickers who are operating in Venezuelan territory. We think sharing of information can aid Venezuela in this,'' Penn said.

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Another source:

¨The United States establishes cooperation agreements in the fight against drug trafficking through economic cooperation so that they can later impose the presence of military bases under the pretense of cooperation," said Carreño yesterday.

According to the Carreño, when Venezuela ended its cooperation with the DEA two years ago, they observed that the US agency was trafficking drugs through the country.

"They were making a large quantity of drug shipments under the pretense of monitoring them, and they didn't carry out arrests or breakup the cartels," explained Carreño. "We were able to determine the presence of a new drug cartel in which the United States Drug Enforcement Agency was monopolizing the shipment of drugs," he said.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
more like become the top drug cartel in the world by making all the rest in the world your bitches

then make sure everybody in the US gets hooked on em and sells them to put food on their table so you can then lock half the population up , and threaten the other half with other bs.