US singer blasts Catholic Church at Vatican Christmas concert

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May 13, 2002
US hip-hop singer Lauryn Hill stunned leading members of the Roman Catholic Church when she accused them of moral corruption, exploitation and abuse from the stage during a Christmas concert at the Vatican.

Hill, 28, launched her diatribe in front of an audience of 7,500 guests at a packed Paul VI hall, used by Pope John Paul II for indoor public audiences.

"I'm not here to celebrate, like you, the birth of Christ, but to ask you why you are not in mourning for his death in this place," Hill said, reading from a prepared statement as she came on stage for her performance as part of a all-star gala concert.

"Holy God has witnessed the corruption of your leadership, of the exploitation and abuses which are the minimum that can be said for the clergy," she added, calling on the hierarchy to "repent".

Stunned hierarchy in the front row at Saturday night's concert included one of the most senior figures in the Church, Cardinal Camillo Ruini, who is head of the Italian bishops conference.

An aide to Ruini, Bishop Rino Fisichella, described the singer's speech as "a rash outburst. An uneducated act showing a lack of respect for the place she was a guest and for those who invited her."

The Holy See has been widely accused of failing to respond adequately to a paedophile scandal involving priests, particularly in the United States.

The US Church has been under intense fire over the policy of some archdioceses of moving known child abusing priests from parish to parish over decades.

Hill, a former member of The Fugees and winner of five Grammy Awards, said she was not speaking as a representative of any religious organisation.

Italian press reports Sunday said her attack was unlikely to be included when the concert is broadcast on Italian television on December 24, Christmas Eve.

Other artists performing at the event, now in its 11th year, included Ronan Keating, Khaled, Randy Crawford, Solomon Burke, Kelly Joyce, Polish singer Natalia Kukulska, and American Gospel and Italian choirs.
Dec 10, 2003
Now, I'm a Catholic and normally I can accept the wrongdoings of the Catholic Church when they are pointed out. However, when it comes from Lauryn Hill, a fucking POP singer, then it kinda chaps my ass. This was obviously a publicity stunt...if she was so opposed to the Catholic Church then she wouldn't have accepted the invitation in the first place. She, like so many artists, are up on this "the world cares what I think" tip. News flash, ho: nobody gives a fuck what you think. Get your piss-poor- excuse-for-a-performer ass back up on the stage and keep singing those cookie-cutter pop songs that make fat girls think they're pretty. Leave politics and the like to the pro's (ie Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston). But seriously, when was the last time anybody wanted to hear from this bitch? She's saying/ doing the same thing that every other struggling artist has said/ done. And why? So that when the next steaming pile of horse shit she calls an album comes out, she'll have some "DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAMA!" for those fatasses that get all their inspiration and will to live from "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill." I mean, she wants to be "revolutionary" or whatever you want to call it, so what does she do? Condemns the entire Catholic Church for the sins of American Catholic priests. Wow, that's really original. Like I didn't see that everyday for about 3 months on CNN or FOX News (I'm sure it went on longer than that but I became tired of the WASP media and their irresponsible news reporting). Why don't you do something new and constructive with your time (since we all know that you don't spend much time writing music; we can see that from the quality, or rather the lack thereof) and condemn...say, the British government for its wicked, racist, murderous practices?