Mcleanhatch said:
1st question>>> i explained earlier i didnt say the paper was left wing i said the journalist SOUNDED left wing because he only got reaction from people on the left (serandon, jackson, hollywood stars, democratic representative) and didnt get reaction from the middle or the right into the article.
2nd question>>> look at all the stuff she fights for, also heard that shit on Hannity and Colmes and on The O'Reilly Factor
3rd question>>> you misquoted me i didnt say THE MOST i said ONE OF THE MOST. and i heard that on Hannity ond Colmes from Sean Hannity
the bbc articles states:
"The protests took place as US Secretary of State Colin Powell said the protracted negotiations at the UN over the adoption of a resolution on Iraq must move forward; the organisation was entering a key week and could not continue to hold a never-ending debate. "
"Mr Bush on Saturday reiterated his vow that the US would use force against Iraq if Saddam Hussein did not disarm, whether or not the UN supported such action.
"If the UN won't act, if Saddam Hussein won't disarm, we will lead a coalition to disarm him," he said."
so the gathering was a reaction from the people who have a
reason not to go to war
what would have a right winger said? you heard that shit all
the time coming from the white house....why do you want that
repeated in the article? all those people are against it
so what if they bbc article was "left wing" has you claim, doesn't that mean don't listen to them?
"hollywood stars, democratic representative" leftist? lol
in april when hugo chavez was overthrown, the nytimes quickly
reported that he resign his presidencical...which was not true and not fair in reporting...major newspaper in the US quickly began saying that he resign...they should have knowned better, where the indenpentant media reported the truth...doesn't that sound like a liberal paper to you??
and don't come at me with you fox said not buying your never back anything you say its just your lame