$ileNt_eNe_ATL said:
i dont fuck wit darkroom like that no more , they get worse wit every cd, i only like that old school shit.
how maNy txme$ caN DRF "KILL A $Krap, Fucka $Krap oN a track"?? it wa$ evideNt that DRF had to "$tep up their game" with all thi$ New $uper HYPHY movemeNt N youNg up-N-comiNg rapper$ explodiNg the whole ChicaNo Rap $ceNe, all DRF did wa$ try N haNg with the New, they came out with New Member$, New $tyle of flow aNd overrall New faN ba$e$ that caN relate to the youNgzter$, N No thi$ doe$Nt meaN that im feeliNg the NEW DRF but i give credit where credit i$ due, their beat$ aNd rap material wa$ gettiNg OLD, they ju$t $tartd FRE$H agaiN aNd oNly their LOYAL faN$ will $upport them throught N through, but come oN Now, after "FAMILY REUNION" didNt U guy$ $ee thit$ comiNg?? after all, U caNt HATE oN the "ROAD PAVER$", im $till a DRF faN, they were what iNflueNced ME to RAP N $peak oN my life$tyle, i doNt like the NEW DRF mu$ic, but the old i$ what MADE DRF N that earNed RE$PECT $tay$ No matter what people$ opiNioN$ are, I ju$t had to put my 2 ceNtz up iN thi$ N $peak out for DRF after all CROOKED ha$ $howN ME hella luv N im ju$t lookiNg out for him, 1 luv....
.KAO$ De W$MG Record$::