FUCK.....u know....its not that i hate cena...i dislike him just as much as 95% of the roster, but umaga, yes umaga, is like one of the few people i enjoy these days. I knew he wasnt goin to win, but fuck it, he should have.
Well who didn't see it coming? They weren't going to give him a championship this soon especially not against cena since the wwe loves him. They're just trying to get cena to wrestle guys who won't be cheered by the fans so that they will cheer for cena. People like umaga and k-fed, in order to make people love cena more. the wwe needs to get off his dick.
umaga shoulda won by disqualification or something so he doesnt get the belt but keeps his streak alive. he may not need the belt yet but his streak shouldnt have been broken, especially by an already established star like cena.
Cena has got alot of charisma and great mic skills, I just don't like the look they gave him. First he was a cyborg lol remember that one, then he was a rapper and now hes like a marine. Whatever they are doing is working in vinces eyes though, hes selling a fuck load of T shirts and shit i bet