U.S. Army seeks dead for reenlistment; will it work?

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May 13, 2002
WASHINGTON — The Army on Saturday blamed a computer mix-up for recruitment letters mistakenly sent out over the holidays to the families of 275 officers killed or wounded in action in Iraq.

“Every Army leader is just sick that this happened,” said Gen. Richard Cody, the Army’s vice chief of staff. “This is an inexcusable mistake. Five years into this war, the Army can do better than this, and we will.”

Senior Army leaders were frustrated and disappointed by the blunder, and the Army immediately began contacting each family to offer a personal apology, Cody said.

The Army used the wrong database, he said, when it generated a mass mailing between Christmas and New Year's Day to more than 5,100 officers who recently left the service.

Included were letters to 75 officers killed in action — more than a third of all Army officers who have died in Iraq since the war began — and 200 more wounded in action. The letters encouraged the officers to consider returning to active duty.

May 1, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
WASHINGTON — The Army on Saturday blamed a computer mix-up for recruitment letters mistakenly sent out over the holidays to the families of 275 officers killed or wounded in action in Iraq.

“Every Army leader is just sick that this happened,” said Gen. Richard Cody, the Army’s vice chief of staff. “This is an inexcusable mistake. Five years into this war, the Army can do better than this, and we will.”

Senior Army leaders were frustrated and disappointed by the blunder, and the Army immediately began contacting each family to offer a personal apology, Cody said.

The Army used the wrong database, he said, when it generated a mass mailing between Christmas and New Year's Day to more than 5,100 officers who recently left the service.

Included were letters to 75 officers killed in action — more than a third of all Army officers who have died in Iraq since the war began — and 200 more wounded in action. The letters encouraged the officers to consider returning to active duty.


IMO is believe this is just one of the signs that the drat is coming. They are getting desperate. Another sign of desperation is allowing gays to serve openly in the military. They already lowered test standards for enlistment into the Army. Next they'll raise the age limit and allow ex-felons to enlist. Not many options left.