Rob Kimmons (Pictures) vs. Rob Yundt (Pictures)
Round 1
Yundt tries a lazy takedown but slips right into a tight guillotine. He's out but is caught in an armbar. He's out of that too. Yundt stuck in Kimmons' guard and landing elbows and punches to Kimmons' side. Kimmons misses a kimura but sweeps Yundt into half-guard. Kimmons passes and now has full mount and lands hard punches. Yundt scrambles but lunges into a guillotine. He can't escape and taps out. Very impressive win for Kimmons. The official time is 3:58 of the first.
Jeremy Horn (Pictures) vs. Dean Lister (Pictures)
Round 1
Hard left jab by Horn early jolts Lister. Horn reverses a single-leg attempt and lands in half-guard. Working from half-butterfly, Lister fails an omaplata. Horn scrambles and pops back up to his feet. Lister tries a few takedowns before finally scoring a double-leg. Lister sweeps and pulls guard when Horn tries to scramble again but is caught on a deep guillotine. It looks grim for Horn. He taps out. The time of the submission is 3:52 of the opening frame.
Matt Arroyo vs. Matt Brown
Round 1
Good right cross by Arroyo early but Brown shrugs it off. Hard low kick by Arroyo followed by a flurry. Arroyo pins brown along the fence. Arroyo scoops up brown and pins him at the bottom of the fence. Brown scrambles back up but Arroyo pins him again along the fence. Good punches by Arroyo pepper Brown's face. Brown's nose is pouring blood. Arroyo is just faster and more assertive. Brown won't quit and fires back. He hurts Arroyo with a tight hand and just misses a left head kick. Great action. 10-9 for Arroyo.
Round 2
Arroyo a little tentative early. Brown really picking up the pace and fires a tight kick to Arroyo's head that grazes him. After a clinch, Arroyo pulls guard. Arroyo trash talking after each punch from Brown. Arroyo tries a triangle but Brown has none of it. Brown scoots Arroyo onto the fence and really pours on the ground-and-pound. Several hard punches hurt Arroyo. A few more land, forcing referee Herb Dean to step in. TKO for Brown with the time being 3:40 of the second round.
Marvin Eastman (Pictures) vs. Andrew McFedries
Round 1
They come out banging. Eastman rocked by a right uppercut. McFedries tees off and lands a series of glancing punches and knees. Marvin flops around trying to score a single, but McFedries shimmies away. It's going to end soon; Marvin is in bad shape. McFedries throws Eastman to the canvas and unloads punches. Referee Steve Mazzagatti quickly stops it at 1:08 of the first.
Cale Yarbrough vs. Timothy Credeur
It has been reported that this fight has been cancelled. Stay tuned for an update.
Josh Burkman (Pictures) vs. Dustin Hazelett (Pictures)
Round 1
Hazelett yawning just before bell. Both guys throwing head kicks but nothing lands. Brief exchange of punches and Burkman has a small cut over his left eye. Huge double leg by Burkman but he falls into a guillotine. He escapes but Hazelett applies a deep omaplata. He escapes that but is now caught in a rear-naked choke then a D'arce. It's very deep. He somehow escapes that and is now in Hazelett's half-guard. Very intense grappling. Round ends once Burkman scrambles out of full-guard and onto his feet. 10-9 for Hazelett.
Round 2
Burkman clips Dustin with a spinning back kick to the head. Hazelett counters with a stiff overhand right. Not much action now; just missed kicks and random punches. Hazelett leaps onto Burkman's chest to try and pull guard, but Burkman pins him into the cage. Burkman circling away with not much offense. They flurry late and Hazelett clips Josh with a right head kick. They clinch and Hazelett tries a wizzer but Burkman stuffs it. From there Hazelett slinks over Burkmans right shoulder and latches on an armbar. Burkman taps out! The official time is 4:46 of the second.
Dante Rivera (Pictures) vs. Matt Riddle
Round 1
Rivera gets the action started with a low kick. Riddle clinches and works for a single-leg, but Rivera defends with his back to the cage. Rivera latches on to Riddle's neck and swings him around. Riddle frees his head and knees Rivera's lead leg. A grazing knee to the chin ejects Rivera's mouthpiece, which prompts referee Herb Dean to separate the fighters. After the guard was returned to Rivera's mouth, Riddle went right back to the clinch, where he continued to knee the left thigh of Rivera. With 15 seconds remaining in the frame, Riddle scored a takedown and landed a few elbows.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Round 2
The fighters trade punches and knees from the clinch, with Rivera getting the better of the exchange. Riddle continues to press his opponent to the fencing. Rivera absorbs several knees to the upper leg before failing on a judo throw. Rivera pulls guard but gives up mount in the process. Riddle locks on a guillotine but gives it up to strike. Just when it looks like Riddle were about to finish with punches, he gives up position with a sloppy armbar attempt. From his back, Riddle slaps on a tight triangle that is narrowly escaped as the round ends.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Round 3
Riddle finds himself on top early in the first round. Rivera goes to a rubber guard, but loses it when Riddle passes. The fighters stand and trade body kicks. Riddle takes Rivera down but Dean intervenes quickly and stands them up. Riddle gets another takedown and mount. He punches the head and looks for a triangle from the top as the third round ends.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Riddle
The official judges see the contest 30-27 (twice) and 29-28 for Riddle.
Jeremy Stephens (Pictures) vs. Spencer Fisher (Pictures)
Round 1
Stephens pulls guard after a failed throw and eats some glancing punches. Stephens looks to secure an armar and a triangle, but Fisher has none of it. From half-guard, Fisher fakes like he is going to work on unlocking Stephen's legs just before he fires a backward elbow. Stephens gives up his back but he defends well. Stephens gets back to guard and absorbs more punches.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Fisher
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Fisher
Round 2
Stephens cracks Fisher with a straight right hand. Fishers answers with a two-punch combination. He follows with a right hook. Fisher scores a takedown directly into side-control, where he elbows the head before getting put in half-guard. The pace slows as the fighters battle for position on the ground. Stephens gets to his feet and slams Fisher to the canvas just before the horn sounds.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Fisher
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Fisher
Round 3
Fisher kicks off the round with a left kick to the midsection. Stephens lands a right hand and a hard knee to the body. Stephens pulls guard with a guillotine that is defended. Fisher moves from the mount to side-control, where he hits the head with his right hand. Stephens gets to his feet and lands a right hand followed by a jumping elbow. Stephens gets a takedown. His corner pleas with him to get busy as only 90 seconds remain in the bout. Fisher defends from his guard and stands. Stephens goes for one last guillotine as the the third frame closes.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Stephens
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Stephens
All three judges see the fight 29-28 for Spencer Fisher.
Diego Sanchez (Pictures) vs. Luigi Fioravanti (Pictures)
Round 1
Fioravanti lands a straight right as Sanchez went for a double. Fioravati attacks the right leg of Sanchez with a low kick. Sanchez answers with a flying knee that connects. Sanchez kicks the head with his right leg. Fioravanti stuffs a single-leg attempt and lands a right hand. Sanchez closes the distance and scores with a left, right combination. Fioravanti rolls out of another Sanchez takedown attempt and taunts him. He wags his finger and tells Diego no way. Fioravanti slams Sanchez to the canvas before the round ends.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
Round 2
Fioravanti lands a punch and appears to have hurt his lower left leg. Sanchez drops Fioravanti with a hard punch. He pounces and takes the top position in side-control. Fioravanti gets to his feet without taking any damage. Sanchez lands another head kick. Both fighters connect wit hard punches but it's Fioravanti who falls. Sanchez tries to finish his opponent, but Fioravanti recovers quickly and gets to his feet. Fioravanti lands a solid right hand.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
Round 3
Fioravanti connects with a left hook. Again Fioravanti easily stops a Sanchez shot. Sanchez lands two right hooks and gets a takedown off a scramble. Sanches briefly has his opponent's back. Fioravanti rolls and gets to his feet. Diego lands a left legged head kick that staggers Fioravanti. Sanchez follows up with a jumping knee and strikes on the ground. The referee calls a stop to the bout at 4:07 of the third round.
CB Dollaway (Pictures) vs. Amir Sadollah
Round 1
Sadollah keeps his distance with two early front kicks. Dollaway shrugs off the second kick and gets a single-leg. Dollaway moves to side-control. Sadollah scrambles back to guard and locks on an armbar. Dollaway taps once and Herb Dean saves him quickly. Dollaway complains about the stoppage but he clearly wanted out. The official time is 3:02 of the first.
Kendall Grove (Pictures) vs. Evan Tanner (Pictures)
Round 1
Tanner clinches with Grove and gets hit with an elbow. Tanner gets a takedown into side-control, but Grove quickly stands. An elbow cuts Tanner above the left eye. Tanner drops for a single, but is hit by a jumping knee ala Yves Edwards-Edson Berto. Grove finds himself on his back, where he looks for a triangle. Tanner escapes but slips. Grove hops on his back. Tanner breaks free before the round ends.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Grove
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Grove
Round 2
Grove roughs up Tanner with knees from the Thai plum. Tanner closes in and clinches along the fencing. He picks Grove up and deposits him on the canvas. Grove uses a Kimura to stand. Grove drops Tanner with a standing elbow. He stands and eats more elbows against the cage. Tanner recovers quickly but offers little in terms of offense.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Grove
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Grove
Round 3
Grove cracks Tanner with a left kick to the body. After a fruitless two-minute long clinch, Tanner lands a right hand. Grove answers with elbows. Tanner pushes Grove away and lands a hard right. Grove jabs and connects with a knee to the body. Tanner closes the fight with a knee at the sound of the horn.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Grove
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Grove
The official judges see the bout 29-28 for Tanner and 30-26 (twice) for Kendall Grove. Judge Al Lefkowitz unexplainably saw the fight in Tanner's favor.
Round 1
Yundt tries a lazy takedown but slips right into a tight guillotine. He's out but is caught in an armbar. He's out of that too. Yundt stuck in Kimmons' guard and landing elbows and punches to Kimmons' side. Kimmons misses a kimura but sweeps Yundt into half-guard. Kimmons passes and now has full mount and lands hard punches. Yundt scrambles but lunges into a guillotine. He can't escape and taps out. Very impressive win for Kimmons. The official time is 3:58 of the first.
Jeremy Horn (Pictures) vs. Dean Lister (Pictures)
Round 1
Hard left jab by Horn early jolts Lister. Horn reverses a single-leg attempt and lands in half-guard. Working from half-butterfly, Lister fails an omaplata. Horn scrambles and pops back up to his feet. Lister tries a few takedowns before finally scoring a double-leg. Lister sweeps and pulls guard when Horn tries to scramble again but is caught on a deep guillotine. It looks grim for Horn. He taps out. The time of the submission is 3:52 of the opening frame.
Matt Arroyo vs. Matt Brown
Round 1
Good right cross by Arroyo early but Brown shrugs it off. Hard low kick by Arroyo followed by a flurry. Arroyo pins brown along the fence. Arroyo scoops up brown and pins him at the bottom of the fence. Brown scrambles back up but Arroyo pins him again along the fence. Good punches by Arroyo pepper Brown's face. Brown's nose is pouring blood. Arroyo is just faster and more assertive. Brown won't quit and fires back. He hurts Arroyo with a tight hand and just misses a left head kick. Great action. 10-9 for Arroyo.
Round 2
Arroyo a little tentative early. Brown really picking up the pace and fires a tight kick to Arroyo's head that grazes him. After a clinch, Arroyo pulls guard. Arroyo trash talking after each punch from Brown. Arroyo tries a triangle but Brown has none of it. Brown scoots Arroyo onto the fence and really pours on the ground-and-pound. Several hard punches hurt Arroyo. A few more land, forcing referee Herb Dean to step in. TKO for Brown with the time being 3:40 of the second round.
Marvin Eastman (Pictures) vs. Andrew McFedries
Round 1
They come out banging. Eastman rocked by a right uppercut. McFedries tees off and lands a series of glancing punches and knees. Marvin flops around trying to score a single, but McFedries shimmies away. It's going to end soon; Marvin is in bad shape. McFedries throws Eastman to the canvas and unloads punches. Referee Steve Mazzagatti quickly stops it at 1:08 of the first.
Cale Yarbrough vs. Timothy Credeur
It has been reported that this fight has been cancelled. Stay tuned for an update.
Josh Burkman (Pictures) vs. Dustin Hazelett (Pictures)
Round 1
Hazelett yawning just before bell. Both guys throwing head kicks but nothing lands. Brief exchange of punches and Burkman has a small cut over his left eye. Huge double leg by Burkman but he falls into a guillotine. He escapes but Hazelett applies a deep omaplata. He escapes that but is now caught in a rear-naked choke then a D'arce. It's very deep. He somehow escapes that and is now in Hazelett's half-guard. Very intense grappling. Round ends once Burkman scrambles out of full-guard and onto his feet. 10-9 for Hazelett.
Round 2
Burkman clips Dustin with a spinning back kick to the head. Hazelett counters with a stiff overhand right. Not much action now; just missed kicks and random punches. Hazelett leaps onto Burkman's chest to try and pull guard, but Burkman pins him into the cage. Burkman circling away with not much offense. They flurry late and Hazelett clips Josh with a right head kick. They clinch and Hazelett tries a wizzer but Burkman stuffs it. From there Hazelett slinks over Burkmans right shoulder and latches on an armbar. Burkman taps out! The official time is 4:46 of the second.
Dante Rivera (Pictures) vs. Matt Riddle
Round 1
Rivera gets the action started with a low kick. Riddle clinches and works for a single-leg, but Rivera defends with his back to the cage. Rivera latches on to Riddle's neck and swings him around. Riddle frees his head and knees Rivera's lead leg. A grazing knee to the chin ejects Rivera's mouthpiece, which prompts referee Herb Dean to separate the fighters. After the guard was returned to Rivera's mouth, Riddle went right back to the clinch, where he continued to knee the left thigh of Rivera. With 15 seconds remaining in the frame, Riddle scored a takedown and landed a few elbows.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Round 2
The fighters trade punches and knees from the clinch, with Rivera getting the better of the exchange. Riddle continues to press his opponent to the fencing. Rivera absorbs several knees to the upper leg before failing on a judo throw. Rivera pulls guard but gives up mount in the process. Riddle locks on a guillotine but gives it up to strike. Just when it looks like Riddle were about to finish with punches, he gives up position with a sloppy armbar attempt. From his back, Riddle slaps on a tight triangle that is narrowly escaped as the round ends.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Round 3
Riddle finds himself on top early in the first round. Rivera goes to a rubber guard, but loses it when Riddle passes. The fighters stand and trade body kicks. Riddle takes Rivera down but Dean intervenes quickly and stands them up. Riddle gets another takedown and mount. He punches the head and looks for a triangle from the top as the third round ends.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Riddle
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Riddle
The official judges see the contest 30-27 (twice) and 29-28 for Riddle.
Jeremy Stephens (Pictures) vs. Spencer Fisher (Pictures)
Round 1
Stephens pulls guard after a failed throw and eats some glancing punches. Stephens looks to secure an armar and a triangle, but Fisher has none of it. From half-guard, Fisher fakes like he is going to work on unlocking Stephen's legs just before he fires a backward elbow. Stephens gives up his back but he defends well. Stephens gets back to guard and absorbs more punches.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Fisher
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Fisher
Round 2
Stephens cracks Fisher with a straight right hand. Fishers answers with a two-punch combination. He follows with a right hook. Fisher scores a takedown directly into side-control, where he elbows the head before getting put in half-guard. The pace slows as the fighters battle for position on the ground. Stephens gets to his feet and slams Fisher to the canvas just before the horn sounds.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Fisher
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Fisher
Round 3
Fisher kicks off the round with a left kick to the midsection. Stephens lands a right hand and a hard knee to the body. Stephens pulls guard with a guillotine that is defended. Fisher moves from the mount to side-control, where he hits the head with his right hand. Stephens gets to his feet and lands a right hand followed by a jumping elbow. Stephens gets a takedown. His corner pleas with him to get busy as only 90 seconds remain in the bout. Fisher defends from his guard and stands. Stephens goes for one last guillotine as the the third frame closes.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Stephens
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Stephens
All three judges see the fight 29-28 for Spencer Fisher.
Diego Sanchez (Pictures) vs. Luigi Fioravanti (Pictures)
Round 1
Fioravanti lands a straight right as Sanchez went for a double. Fioravati attacks the right leg of Sanchez with a low kick. Sanchez answers with a flying knee that connects. Sanchez kicks the head with his right leg. Fioravanti stuffs a single-leg attempt and lands a right hand. Sanchez closes the distance and scores with a left, right combination. Fioravanti rolls out of another Sanchez takedown attempt and taunts him. He wags his finger and tells Diego no way. Fioravanti slams Sanchez to the canvas before the round ends.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
Round 2
Fioravanti lands a punch and appears to have hurt his lower left leg. Sanchez drops Fioravanti with a hard punch. He pounces and takes the top position in side-control. Fioravanti gets to his feet without taking any damage. Sanchez lands another head kick. Both fighters connect wit hard punches but it's Fioravanti who falls. Sanchez tries to finish his opponent, but Fioravanti recovers quickly and gets to his feet. Fioravanti lands a solid right hand.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Sanchez
Round 3
Fioravanti connects with a left hook. Again Fioravanti easily stops a Sanchez shot. Sanchez lands two right hooks and gets a takedown off a scramble. Sanches briefly has his opponent's back. Fioravanti rolls and gets to his feet. Diego lands a left legged head kick that staggers Fioravanti. Sanchez follows up with a jumping knee and strikes on the ground. The referee calls a stop to the bout at 4:07 of the third round.
CB Dollaway (Pictures) vs. Amir Sadollah
Round 1
Sadollah keeps his distance with two early front kicks. Dollaway shrugs off the second kick and gets a single-leg. Dollaway moves to side-control. Sadollah scrambles back to guard and locks on an armbar. Dollaway taps once and Herb Dean saves him quickly. Dollaway complains about the stoppage but he clearly wanted out. The official time is 3:02 of the first.
Kendall Grove (Pictures) vs. Evan Tanner (Pictures)
Round 1
Tanner clinches with Grove and gets hit with an elbow. Tanner gets a takedown into side-control, but Grove quickly stands. An elbow cuts Tanner above the left eye. Tanner drops for a single, but is hit by a jumping knee ala Yves Edwards-Edson Berto. Grove finds himself on his back, where he looks for a triangle. Tanner escapes but slips. Grove hops on his back. Tanner breaks free before the round ends.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Grove
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Grove
Round 2
Grove roughs up Tanner with knees from the Thai plum. Tanner closes in and clinches along the fencing. He picks Grove up and deposits him on the canvas. Grove uses a Kimura to stand. Grove drops Tanner with a standing elbow. He stands and eats more elbows against the cage. Tanner recovers quickly but offers little in terms of offense.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Grove
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Grove
Round 3
Grove cracks Tanner with a left kick to the body. After a fruitless two-minute long clinch, Tanner lands a right hand. Grove answers with elbows. Tanner pushes Grove away and lands a hard right. Grove jabs and connects with a knee to the body. Tanner closes the fight with a knee at the sound of the horn.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Grove
Mike Fridley scores the round 10-9 Grove
The official judges see the bout 29-28 for Tanner and 30-26 (twice) for Kendall Grove. Judge Al Lefkowitz unexplainably saw the fight in Tanner's favor.