Been making an effort to convert everything I have to vintage - bought a tube pre amp for my mic instead of just running it through my old amp, experimenting with adats instead of regular digital recording, and I'm about to experience a Nieve or however you spell it which is nothing but tubes, recorded using a ribbon mic from YEARS AND YEARS ago - I'm finding that tubes and warmth, tape saturation is nothing more than an almost inaudible noise - I think the reason it is considered so hot and vintage is because it gives industry people that tingly goose bumpy nostalgic feeling - because they hear that old noise that so few digital recordings have anymore.
i see nothing special at all and I prefer working in digital rather than tape (adat or reel) - to me this "warmth" that is so hip to say nowaadays is nothing more than noise - i like how clean and bright tracks are nowadays - I don't want to go back to the 70's where everything sounds like mud,
i see nothing special at all and I prefer working in digital rather than tape (adat or reel) - to me this "warmth" that is so hip to say nowaadays is nothing more than noise - i like how clean and bright tracks are nowadays - I don't want to go back to the 70's where everything sounds like mud,