here's everything u need to know
Charge Rates:
8 bar verse $2000.00
8 bar verse and chorus (hook) $3000.00
Chorus (hook) $1500.00
16 bar verse $3500.00
16 bar verse and chorus (hook) $5000.00
Beat and Verse
Beat and 8 bar verse $4500.00
Beat, 8 bar verse and chorus(hook) $5000.00
Beat and 16 bar verse $6000.00
Beat, 16 bar verse and chorus(hook) $7000.00
Whole song(3 verses and chorus(hook) $10,000.00
Note: Artist may negotiate with you about collecting publishing.
Concert Performances
Headliner: $15,000.00 (15min.,30min. ,45min. 60min. show performance)
Artist lineup: $10,000.00 (10min. or 20 min. show performance)
Note: information on artist will be in writer upon request. Contact info: Management, WRITERS BLOCK MEDIA INK @ (916)5197908