Trump (all political posts go here)

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May 7, 2013
I'm putting a Trump lost Fuck your feelings bumper sticker if I can find one. I just moved to a tiny ass racist town full of trumpers. Legit had some old weird racist freak out at the grocery store while I was shopping for produce for dinner. I could not make out a word what this inbred ass faggot was saying besides "They're here! *Grunt grunt* Pelosi!!! I then realized I had a shirt on that says BLVCK (not sure what Pelosi has to do with any mf thing) so I made sure to stand by his wife everytime she moved in the produce section, making him more uncomfortable at every turn thought the mf was gon have a heart attack. These mf forget their ancestors raped and murdered our ancestors, not the other way around. I'm going to return all these xenophobes to the caves in this mf.

Need a BLM flag to hang from my office window.

Edit scratch that putting a black power flag
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Dec 7, 2005
I'm putting a Trump lost Fuck your feelings bumper sticker if I can find one. I just moved to a tiny ass racist town full of trumpers. Legit had some old weird racist freak out at the grocery store while I was shopping for produce for dinner. I could not make out a word what this inbred ass faggot was saying besides "They're here! *Grunt grunt* Pelosi!!! I then realized I had a shirt on that says BLVCK (not sure what Pelosi has to do with any mf thing) so I made sure to stand by his wife everytime she moved in the produce section, making him more uncomfortable at every turn thought the mf was gon have a heart attack. These mf forget their ancestors raped and murdered our ancestors, not the other way around. I'm going to return all these xenophobes to the caves in this mf.

Need a BLM flag to hang from my office window.

Edit scratch that putting a black power flag
I caught a 30 day fb ban saying I don't support blm cus im not into trannys
Apr 26, 2002
People celebrating Biden but don’t even know one of his policies

Politics isn’t about policy anymore

It’s about what team you rep

That’s why we end up getting $600 stimulus checks while foreign countries and lobbyists get billions of billions of dollars

Because of ignorant people that don’t do research
Don’t matter about knowing his policies. We knew racist pos ONE TERM’S “policies”. That’s all that matters. ABT, anyone but trump. Great day for this country.
Props: StillHustlin
Apr 26, 2002
I'm putting a Trump lost Fuck your feelings bumper sticker if I can find one. I just moved to a tiny ass racist town full of trumpers. Legit had some old weird racist freak out at the grocery store while I was shopping for produce for dinner. I could not make out a word what this inbred ass faggot was saying besides "They're here! *Grunt grunt* Pelosi!!! I then realized I had a shirt on that says BLVCK (not sure what Pelosi has to do with any mf thing) so I made sure to stand by his wife everytime she moved in the produce section, making him more uncomfortable at every turn thought the mf was gon have a heart attack. These mf forget their ancestors raped and murdered our ancestors, not the other way around. I'm going to return all these xenophobes to the caves in this mf.

Need a BLM flag to hang from my office window.

Edit scratch that putting a black power flag
Already done my g. Haha. We had bought two flags and gave one to a group of young ins in downtown atl when we celebrated bidens FREE AND FAIR victory. These redneccs don’t want no smoke. I’m out here with my blm shirt (no I’m not blm, jus triggering these racist hillbillies), and they ain’t got shit to say. They’re cowards, that’s why they move to the rural areas and target practice on bails of hay and aluminum cans. 😂🤣😂 Troglodytes. Fucc em and fucc the LOSERS supporters. The MAJORITY won. 0B04271E-5DBB-4C16-84E0-72FF984426AF.jpeg
Props: StillHustlin
Apr 26, 2002
Greengo @Greengo is a Antifa communist but he’s too dumb to realize he supports capitalism by shopping at the Dope Era store.
Lmao @ “communist”. You trumpkins don’t learn? NOBODY believes your fear mongering. That’s why THE MAJORITY voted his bitch ass out. Let’s talk about the RADICAL RIGHT tho!!! Maybe, try not to be such racist POS scum? 0D848F98-2CCE-4DAF-975D-7B610DA0C7BA.jpeg
Feb 10, 2009
South Sacramento
Lmao @ “communist”. You trumpkins don’t learn? NOBODY believes your fear mongering. That’s why THE MAJORITY voted his bitch ass out. Let’s talk about the RADICAL RIGHT tho!!! Maybe, try not to be such racist POS scum? View attachment 9181
whatever lib-queer. you voted for higher taxes, higher gas prices and less freedom. Democrats are the fag party of the rainbow flag. Lefties are queers that wear tight pants and a man purse.
Feb 10, 2009
South Sacramento
Lefties are trying to ban everything that is manly and when you drive past a high school or college campus you can’t tell from far away if they are male or female because all the boys are wearing fag pants and they are all indoctrinated by the lefty communist teachers that live in a fantasy land. If you support the lefties then your man card has been revoked.
Props: StillHustlin
Feb 10, 2009
South Sacramento
these libtards live in a fantasy land, they think things are getting better just because Biden is in office, he hasn’t done anything in the past 47 years, you can’t name one thing he’s done or what his plan is, you candy ass lib-queers have no clue what you voted for. Last year Kamala Harris was black or Jamaican and today the news says she’s South East Asian,LOL they can’t even make up their mind what race she is, they just wanted a female in there for the feminist movement. And they all say Trump is racist but Biden is on camera saying tons of racist comments.
Apr 26, 2002
T-Spoon is a lib-queer candy ass male feminist that supports Kamala Harris and wears his sisters pants and wears fruity colored sneakers and loves Toyota Prius.
What are you like 5 years old? 😂🤣😂 You big tough guy you!!! Btw, you can’t really clown cuz you’re a .............”trump supporter”. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ That’s as cringed as it gets. C9A7AC84-3090-4EEB-AC2D-610083250845.jpeg
Apr 26, 2002
these libtards live in a fantasy land, they think things are getting better just because Biden is in office, he hasn’t done anything in the past 47 years, you can’t name one thing he’s done or what his plan is, you candy ass lib-queers have no clue what you voted for. Last year Kamala Harris was black or Jamaican and today the news says she’s South East Asian,LOL they can’t even make up their mind what race she is, they just wanted a female in there for the feminist movement. And they all say Trump is racist but Biden is on camera saying tons of racist comments.
ED22CF44-A374-4417-9479-BC16A2B94DF7.jpeg 2E0E7E54-0931-4FBF-AB4B-A755D0A76C3B.jpeg
Feb 10, 2009
South Sacramento
What are you like 5 years old? 😂🤣😂 You big tough guy you!!! Btw, you can’t really clown cuz you’re a .............”trump supporter”. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ That’s as cringed as it gets. View attachment 9182
I never voted for Trump because I live in Cali and my vote wouldn’t even count because it’s 80% lefties in this state. I just don’t support the lefties and their communist ideologies.