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Jul 10, 2002
what's y'all insight and views on toture...(globally and domestic)
i.e. Guantamo Bay, Iraq, Afganastan. How do you feel about prisoners being denied legal rights, held w/o charges, deporting and interrogatin' fools in countries which allow toture...

Is it ever okay or justifiable. Does it provide reliable information. is it all gravy?


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
If our country is going to do it to others, others should be allowed to do it to us. This country is all pepped up on "equal rights" and treating people fair, but it doesn't happen, within our society and outside of it. America is supposed to be this big power house that people look up to, but now people (at least myself) look at this country and laugh. It's pathetic. We should be setting the example of what is right/fair/equal.

On the subject of torture, I think it really depends on the situation. If someone is withholding information that could lead to the deaths of thousands of people-then it MIGHT, and I use that word loosely, be okay. Like if someone knew that there was going to be a huge bomb put into some government building (anywhere, any country) and wouldn't say anything-but it would kill a lot of people, it may be justifiable to do it in order to save innocent people's lives. The problem is that most people have shitty judgment and get off on torturing people. The other problem is that if they really don't know anything and you keep fucking with them, they'll give you bullshit information so you leave them the fuck alone. So it's not always accurate and it's not always justifiable....

Personally, I wouldn't torture someone. Unless they killed someone I cared about or really did some foul shit. Causing harm to others isn't the most efficient way to get information cause you really don't ever know if they're telling you the truth, or telling you what you want to hear so you quit torturing them. For the sake of time and arguing, I'll just say that it shouldn't happen. The American people would be outraged and would want to prosecute/harm anyone that tortured an American...But others feel the same way, so if nobody did it, then there wouldn't be anything to bitch about...And the American public would have one less thing to be hypocrits about. It's all good if we're fucking with an Iraqi, but if they fuck with an American-most American people would want them all dead. Again, people aren't good enough at judging situations cause too many people in our country don't have common sense or common decency for the next human being, whether they are American, Iraqi, or otherwise.
May 19, 2005
i herd some shit a while back how american troops could torture suspects in other countries, and when they didnt use torture they would use physcologicaly torture you.They would put suspects in rooms with blaring lights that stayed on for 24 hours so there internal clock would get all whacked out, they would sometimes scare the individual with disguised troops to resemble harmful soldiers, would tell them they had there family all in custody, play extremely painful noises to disorient the suspect. they said it wasnt a sure proof either becuase at a certain point, days and days after the suspect would snap because he is completly mentally disoriented, and thats were the problem came, certain suspects coughed up information, and other ones stayed fried by the moment, they would be overwelmed with shock and were then considered usless. fucked up shit, i allways thought in my mind that if i were to ever torutre someone i would have the thought of being tortured the same way .Kind of like the extreme karma suit.If you slice somes legs off slowly with 4 inch razor blades, religious,spiritualy or not, you gotta think that you got something commin to ya sooner or later down the road
Apr 25, 2002
DeceptaKhan said:
i herd some shit a while back how american troops could torture suspects in other countries, and when they didnt use torture they would use physcologicaly torture you.They would put suspects in rooms with blaring lights that stayed on for 24 hours so there internal clock would get all whacked out, they would sometimes scare the individual with disguised troops to resemble harmful soldiers, would tell them they had there family all in custody, play extremely painful noises to disorient the suspect. they said it wasnt a sure proof either becuase at a certain point, days and days after the suspect would snap because he is completly mentally disoriented, and thats were the problem came, certain suspects coughed up information, and other ones stayed fried by the moment, they would be overwelmed with shock and were then considered usless. fucked up shit, i allways thought in my mind that if i were to ever torutre someone i would have the thought of being tortured the same way .Kind of like the extreme karma suit.If you slice somes legs off slowly with 4 inch razor blades, religious,spiritualy or not, you gotta think that you got something commin to ya sooner or later down the road

Psyop is not tourture. The geneva conventions code sees it as a way to peacfuly end hostage situations, or situations where you are withholding info. Like lets say 5 guys are holding people hostage in a bulding. Before deadly force is used psyops can be used to hopefully end the situation peacefully. Like blaring heavy metal over loud speakers for hours, Sounds of women gettign raped, the grim reaper walking with chains clanking. Shining bright light on the house all night, Playing tracks with a little girl like " Daddy where are you, mommy is always criing and i miss you come back soon" for hours on end. All sorts of crazy shit, but it can produce good results and end situyations peacefuly. Its jsut trying to mentaly break the enemy, so they will surrender.
Apr 25, 2002
D-Boy said:
^^ yes, but we're not talking about hostage takers, we're talking about prisoners.
Same thing, if i know that a guy over here just manufactured 10 car bombs and is planning on using them on innocent civilians, government officals or troops. i will use psy-op to figure out as much infop as i can.

We get in trouble for puttign a buinch of fuckin hadjis naked on top of eachother or punching them in the face, but these liberals cheer when an american gets beheaded. *plying the smallest viloin in the world for the terrorists who get abused*
Jun 27, 2003
Torture, this is a GANGSTA rap site, so for foos to say they aint down wit torture I dunno bout that. Granted, a lot of foos on this site is fans, but I'm sure there's a percentage who have been through, or know people who have been through a gangsta lifestyle. With that said, I aint got no problem with a little torture. Like, let's say person b shot or brutally hurt a friend, a family member, etc etc etc. Once I catch his ass it's gonna be ON! And even if you're regularly a law-abiding citizen, once somebody encroaches on your family some primal instinct kicks in mayn and that's real. For me, it's different when it comes to the pos and the military and other heads of this country. As far as I'm concerned the government isn't a LEGIT government; therefore, anything it does isn't legit in my eyes. Sure, maybe some of the people the police beat the fuck out of deserve it, but because of WHO the police are and WHO they're keeping in power, they don't hold the "authority" to do that in my eyes. I can do it, my homeboys can do it, and other people can do it, but the government doesn't have the authority as far as I'm concerned. When I have this argument with some people and they try and tell me, "Well, you're all about take no shit from no one get what I want. What's the difference between you and the government?", that's my answer. Nothing they do can be justified because their power can't even be justified.
May 12, 2002
Putting anyone thru mental situations that leaves them disoriented and confused has been considered HAZING in college fraternities. It is not peaceful.

The pics we had of naked soldiers was humliating to them, no wonder they hate us more and more.

The videos of our heads being cut off on the internet by thier rebels, no wonder we hate them more and more.
Sep 28, 2002
Id like ta see some of yall get tortured how would you sound at the bottom of a bunch naked arab dudes or havin a propane torch glazed over the bottom of "your" own feet.. Yo I love torture turns into "PLEASE NO! DON'T TORTURE ME!"

be you.