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May 13, 2002
Chief Reporter

A BRITISH soldier has been arrested over sickening “torture” photos of an Iraqi prisoner.

They show a PoW dangling from a fork-lift truck.

Others allegedly depict soldiers committing sex acts near captured Iraqis.

The squaddie — in the 1st Royal Regiment of Fusiliers — was seized after he took a roll of film to his local photo shop to be developed. Horrified lab workers called in police.

One snap showed an Iraqi PoW who was bound and gagged. He was bundled up in netting suspended from the a fork-lift driven by a British soldier.

It is believed the prisoner was alive when the pictures were taken in Southern Iraq as the war was raging.

Last night a war crimes probe was launched by the Army’s Special Investigations Branch.

If proven, the incident would be a breach of the Geneva Convention and would cause huge embarrassment to the Army and Government.

The squaddie, one of the famous Desert Rats, was arrested by civilian police at his home in Tamworth, Staffs.

His regiment is based at Celle in Germany but the Fusilier was at home on leave following the conflict.

He is being held in military custody at a secret location.

Last night a source close to the investigation said: “We are absolutely appalled by the allegations and the investigation will leave no stone unturned.

“We believe the Iraqi was alive. It must have been a terrifying experience.”

A senior military officer said: “At this stage it is not clear whether the Fusilier handed in the film on behalf of someone else or took the pictures himself. Whatever the case, it is pure dynamite.”

The Sun knows the identity of the soldier but has agreed not to publish his name at this stage.

It follows our exclusive revelation that Colonel Tim Collins, the most famous soldier of Gulf War II, is being investigated over alleged war crimes.

Father-of-five Col Collins, 43, former CO of the 1st Royal Irish Regiment, made an inspirational address to his 650 men on the eve of war.

A disgruntled US major then made an official complaint that Col Collins ill-treated Iraqi PoWs and civilians.

An investigation is continuing into those allegations. And another probe has been launched into Col Collins’ style of command of the regiment.
Senior military sources have disclosed that so far no evidence has been uncovered of any war crimes committed by Col Collins.

And last night they stressed that the probe into the horror pictures is NOT connected with the Collins inquiry.

Major General Ken Perkins, The Sun’s military adviser, said: “The 1st battalion Royal Regiment of Fusiliers were once part of my command.

“They are a fine regiment and I am appalled to learn that they have become embroiled in allegations of ill-treating prisoners of war.

“We don’t expect soldiers to be saints. Out of 800 men on active service in a battalion, there will always be some who break the rules.

“There may be others who take the law into their own hands to punish prisoners, who may well deserve it. But ill-treatment of prisoners can never be tolerated. It all comes down to discipline. Activities of this nature ought not to have gone unnoticed. It should not have taken a set of photos to bring it to light. The junior officer commanding the platoon or his NCOs should have picked it up.

“If they were aware of it and took no action, they are seriously at fault. If any ill treatment went on without them discovering it, they were not doing their job properly.

“The guilty men may or may not be Fusiliers. The investigation will point the finger and the accused must be court-martialled and, if found guilty, dishonourably discharged from the Army.”

The Fusiliers formed part of the 7th Armoured Brigade, the legendary Desert Rats, under the command of Brigadier Graham Binns.

Other units in the Desert Rats included the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, the Black Watch, the Light Infantry, and the Irish Guards.

The Fusiliers were also involved in Gulf War I in 1991 — and lost nine men when American jets strafed their armoured personnel carriers.

The proud regiment traces its origins to 1685 and its colonel-in-chief is the Duke of Kent.

A senior Ministry of Defence spokeswoman said: “We confirm an investigation is under way into allegations of photos depicting maltreatment of Iraqi PoWs. We cannot comment further. But if there is any truth in these allegations the MoD is appalled. We take responsibility to PoWs extremely seriously.”
Aug 2, 2002
They should have showed the picture. Me personally I don't see an issue with torture. If they had or have any intent on killing me I would love to fuck'em slow. Those Iraqi's were shooting hot one's at our soldiers. They all deserve to die.

Just my opinion!
May 16, 2002
I believe all american soldiers should be tortured slowly for months while getting fucked in the ass by Big Ali and then buried alive because the White House is filled with people who have an extra chromosome.

Does this opinion make sense? No it doesn't, and neither does yours Tahzay, you should stop watching FUCKS NEWS and get back to the real world.

Of course they would shoot back, after the land of the free dropped thousands of bombs because they wanted the non-existing WMD.
Apr 24, 2003
Kansas City, MO
fuck you droopy eye, i'm in the military and i've met a lot of good peeps in here. just because our boss is a fucking ass, doesn't mean we deserve all the bullshit you just said. i don't agree with this bullshit war and niether do a lot of folks over there. i bet more than half of the people who signed up before 9-11 weren't anticipating a war. they were just looking for better options. i joined the military to take care of my family and to get out of the shit-hole i came from. not to be led by some moron dictator. and yeah we could stand up and say fuck this shit, but then our asses are serving life sentences in a federal penetentiary for treason, which in war-time is punishable by death. we're not all the mindless drones you may think we are. we're folks just like y'all. just trying to survive. it ain't our fault that bush is doing this shit. i'd much rather be home spending time with my family. yeah there are some blind motherfuckers who'll follow our commander-in-chief off a fucking cliff, but not all of us. and its motherfuckers who've faught in wars who've helped maintain the freedom of speech you use to say ignorant ass shit. so be thankful there's sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, ect. out there willing to die so you can just degrade them. i'm no fucking patriot, in fact i think this country has been turning into a shit hole for some time, but people are people. perpetuating hate and violence will only create more.
Dec 18, 2002
Nightbreed said:
fuck you droopy eye, i'm in the military and i've met a lot of good peeps in here. just because our boss is a fucking ass, doesn't mean we deserve all the bullshit you just said. i don't agree with this bullshit war and niether do a lot of folks over there. i bet more than half of the people who signed up before 9-11 weren't anticipating a war. they were just looking for better options. i joined the military to take care of my family and to get out of the shit-hole i came from. not to be led by some moron dictator. and yeah we could stand up and say fuck this shit, but then our asses are serving life sentences in a federal penetentiary for treason, which in war-time is punishable by death. we're not all the mindless drones you may think we are. we're folks just like y'all. just trying to survive. it ain't our fault that bush is doing this shit. i'd much rather be home spending time with my family. yeah there are some blind motherfuckers who'll follow our commander-in-chief off a fucking cliff, but not all of us. and its motherfuckers who've faught in wars who've helped maintain the freedom of speech you use to say ignorant ass shit. so be thankful there's sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, ect. out there willing to die so you can just degrade them. i'm no fucking patriot, in fact i think this country has been turning into a shit hole for some time, but people are people. perpetuating hate and violence will only create more.
you blew it his post...what he said against the people and the military of america was in contrast to what tahzay said....if u didnt notice...right after that he said...does this make sense? NO....
May 5, 2002
Tahzay said:
They should have showed the picture. Me personally I don't see an issue with torture. If they had or have any intent on killing me I would love to fuck'em slow. Those Iraqi's were shooting hot one's at our soldiers. They all deserve to die.

Just my opinion!
What and american soldiers don't shoot at the Iraqi's? ROFL, remmember, WE INVADED THEM, they didn't invade us, so why you gonna get mad when they pick up a gun and shoot back at people who are shooting at them trying to invade? c'mon now, use logic..........
May 13, 2002
THE young mum who uncovered the Iraqi PoW sex snaps scandal said last night: “I felt sick to the stomach at those pictures.”

Kelly Tilford, 22, called police after developing a film in her photo shop.

The shocking pictures — revealed by The Sun yesterday — showed male Iraqis apparently forced into sexual positions by their British captors.In another a prisoner was suspended by rope from a fork-lift truck driven by a laughing Brit.
Fusilier Gary Bartlam, 18, of Tamworth, Staffs, is being grilled by the Army’s top criminal investigator — amid fears the scandal is the tip of an iceberg.

Disgusted Kelly said she knew she had to call police after seeing the horrific scenes in Gulf War II snaps she had just developed.

Kelly said: “I immediately realised something terribly wrong had happened and something had to be done about it.

“I started shaking and was panicking in case the guy came back before I could raise the alarm.”

She spoke out last night as Bartlam, of the 1st Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, was in custody.

ONE was apparently taken in a warehouse. It showed a man stripped at least to the waist and suspended high in the air by a rope attached to one of the forks on a fork-lift truck.

More rope bound him throughout the length of his body.

He was hanging horizontally and his frightened face was in close-up. A soldier driving the fork-lift truck could be seen in the background, staring at his victim and apparently laughing.

ANOTHER picture showed a pair of white legs and the head of a male Iraqi.

The hand of a man behind the Iraqi’s head appeared to be forcing him to perform oral sex.

The Iraqi was squatting and again appeared to be at least naked to the waist. The soldier’s face was not visible.

A THIRD picture showed a pair of bare backsides. One Iraqi man was on his knees on the floor with his body bent.

Another was pressed behind him, tightly moulding his body like a spoon in what seemed to be a sexual position.

THE FOURTH snap showed two naked Iraqis cowering on the ground as if thrown there.

Kelly, who has children aged two and eight months, said Fusilier Bartlam called at the Max Spielmann photo shop where she works in Tamworth, Staffs, on Wednesday.

The young soldier, who was home on leave after the war, left a roll of film to be developed into 7in x 5in prints within an hour.

She went on: “I went to the mini-lab. As you put the film through, you are meant to check the pictures on a screen to ensure they are printed properly.

“You have never got time to watch all of them, because you are inevitably doing something else. We had been very busy.

“I had already processed the films of one or two soldiers back from Iraq and had told them, ‘Congratulations, well done,’ when they came to collect their photos.