Top U.S. Mortgage Lender Files For Bankruptcy

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May 13, 2002

The evidence just keeps piling up.

It was announced today that one of the largest sub-prime mortgage lenders in the United States, New Century Financial, has filed for Chapter Eleven bankruptcy after being forced to buy back billions of dollars in defaulted loans. Analysts like Mike Whitney have been clamoring about the coming collapse of the U.S. real estate bubble for years. It is becoming harder and harder to ignore the ramifications of the irresponsible spending spree brought on by the artificially low interest rates that will be Alan Greenspan’s shameful legacy to future generations.

As the real estate sector – which has, both directly and indirectly, contributed a large percentage of the new jobs created in the country over the past several years – collapses, the effects will be felt across the entire global economy. The worst-case scenario is a global recession that will make the Great Depression appear mild by comparison.

By Newsire
Republished from BBC
More disparaging news from the U.S. housing market

New Century Financial, one of the largest sub-prime lenders in the US, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

New Century sought protection from creditors after it was forced by its backers to repurchase billions of dollars worth of bad loans.

The company said it would immediately cut 3,200 jobs, more than half of its workforce, as a result of the move.

Sub-prime lenders, who target customers with poor credit histories, have suffered from a downturn in the market.

Shares in New Century were suspended in March on fears the company may be heading for bankruptcy, following a sharp rise in people defaulting on their loans.

New Century’s creditors include investment bank Goldman Sachs and Britain’s Barclays bank.

The company said it planned to sell its loan servicing operations to Carrington Capital Management for $139m (£70m), subject to bankruptcy approval.
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og MS

Member since 1997
Apr 25, 2002
I used close a shitload of loans thru New Century.. they would get my shit closed pronto!

I also used Long Beach Mortgage quite a bit... they aint goin nowhere though because they're a portfolio lender and have humungous backing ... Wamu.

Dana Dane

RIP Vallejo Kid
May 3, 2002
I had the BEST rep at New Century for years....he would send out docs for me without even having an appraisal.

The instability of the bizz these last couple months has me really reconsidering my career path choice.

I haven't used Long Beach in a long time.....we don't do as much subprime as we do Alt-A though.
Jul 10, 2002
No surprise, they went belly up a bit ago. The writing was on the walls. What do you expect to happen when the only criteria to finance a home mortgage is if the person has a live pulse, can breath, and knows how to sign their name (most of time)....

Again, not a big surprise, similar shit happened in '99, it then went to spark the refi boom.... It's all cyclical... we'll bounce back and fall again!
Oct 14, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:

The evidence just keeps piling up.

It was announced today that one of the largest sub-prime mortgage lenders in the United States, New Century Financial, has filed for Chapter Eleven bankruptcy after being forced to buy back billions of dollars in defaulted loans. Analysts like Mike Whitney have been clamoring about the coming collapse of the U.S. real estate bubble for years. It is becoming harder and harder to ignore the ramifications of the irresponsible spending spree brought on by the artificially low interest rates that will be Alan Greenspan’s shameful legacy to future generations.

As the real estate sector – which has, both directly and indirectly, contributed a large percentage of the new jobs created in the country over the past several years – collapses, the effects will be felt across the entire global economy. The worst-case scenario is a global recession that will make the Great Depression appear mild by comparison.

By Newsire
Republished from BBC
More disparaging news from the U.S. housing market

New Century Financial, one of the largest sub-prime lenders in the US, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

New Century sought protection from creditors after it was forced by its backers to repurchase billions of dollars worth of bad loans.

The company said it would immediately cut 3,200 jobs, more than half of its workforce, as a result of the move.

Sub-prime lenders, who target customers with poor credit histories, have suffered from a downturn in the market.

Shares in New Century were suspended in March on fears the company may be heading for bankruptcy, following a sharp rise in people defaulting on their loans.

New Century’s creditors include investment bank Goldman Sachs and Britain’s Barclays bank.

The company said it planned to sell its loan servicing operations to Carrington Capital Management for $139m (£70m), subject to bankruptcy approval.
[end excerpt]

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I have been following this in the Wall Street Journal as of late. Its funny because the subprime market is wild right now. The funny thing is that I just read an article about a guy who sells people houses after he buys them for real cheap and the loans are even cheaper. He says its rough but he makes a living off of it.