Tony Blair blames spate of murders on black culture

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May 13, 2002


Patrick Wintour and Vikram Dodd
Thursday April 12, 2007
The Guardian

Tony Blair yesterday claimed the spate of knife and gun murders in London was not being caused by poverty, but a distinctive black culture. His remarks angered community leaders, who accused him of ignorance and failing to provide support for black-led efforts to tackle the problem.

One accused him of misunderstanding the advice he had been given on the issue at a Downing Street summit.

Black community leaders reacted after Mr Blair said the recent violence should not be treated as part of a general crime wave, but as specific to black youth. He said people had to drop their political correctness and recognise that the violence would not be stopped "by pretending it is not young black kids doing it".

It needed to be addressed by a tailored counter-attack in the same way as football hooliganism was reined in by producing measures aimed at the specific problem, rather than general lawlessness.

Mr Blair's remarks are at odds with those of the Home Office minister Lady Scotland, who told the home affairs select committee last month that the disproportionate number of black youths in the criminal justice system was a function of their disproportionate poverty, and not to do with a distinctive black culture.

Full article HERE

Tony Blair, 1986. Mullet. Image from 2-0-Sixx library.
Aug 6, 2006
2-0-Sixx said:
Mr Blair's remarks are at odds with those of the Home Office minister Lady Scotland, who told the home affairs select committee last month that the disproportionate number of black youths in the criminal justice system was a function of their disproportionate poverty, and not to do with a distinctive black culture.
Bingo!! Blair is sadly mistaken and apparently doesn't realize his own folly, in which he would if he'd only check his stats and use common sense. What is a "distinctive black culture"?.. It seems as if now he's redefining the word "culture" as if "culture" is a byproduct of "race".. But we all know what culture is..

Culture - The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human (not racial) work and thought.

Obviously culture goes well beyond racial lines, we know therefore that culture and race are not coextensive, but there is substantial evidence and proof that there's a major correlation between poverty and culture/behavior, which in turn transcends the color line.. The fact (as the 'Home Office minister Lady Scotland' put it) that most who are disproportionately poor just happen to be the minority blacks is significant.. All of the 'political correctness' aside, it is perfectly correct to treat this as a "distinctive culture of poverty" issue and not a "black" one. Blair should be shot..
Aug 6, 2006
nhojsmith said:
there you go again parkboyz with that bang bang shoot em up stab em black culture of yours. lol im just kidding though, it was either poetic justice, or genius humor. ill give you the benefit of the doubt.
May 14, 2002
coondogg26 said:
god i hate British people, they have never done anything good, but maybe im just biased against them cause im Irish.
What the fuck man!? I just came back from spending a week in London all I have to say is I met nothing but friendly people and I was visiting a friend of mine so I didn't spend all my time in the touristic areas either. Also visited the south of London and there is a lot of poverty going on there yes but the people I met were still friendly but then again.. I guess the south of England isn't the best place to go if you're Irish..
I also heard from my friend that in the north (essex area) live nothing but pikies and people are really poor there aswell.. but I've never been there, so all I can tell is from my London experience and those people I must say are great

Who do you support for football/soccer? (if you support any team at all that is) Can I guess... Liverpool!?
Nov 27, 2006
iaoish said:
What the fuck man!? I just came back from spending a week in London all I have to say is I met nothing but friendly people and I was visiting a friend of mine so I didn't spend all my time in the touristic areas either. Also visited the south of London and there is a lot of poverty going on there yes but the people I met were still friendly but then again.. I guess the south of England isn't the best place to go if you're Irish..
I also heard from my friend that in the north (essex area) live nothing but pikies and people are really poor there aswell.. but I've never been there, so all I can tell is from my London experience and those people I must say are great

Who do you support for football/soccer? (if you support any team at all that is) Can I guess... Liverpool!?
yea my favorite team is Celtic but Liverpool is my favorite English team