peep that new shit he did on a new whookid or kslay mixtape im high right now with that shit on repeat i knew this dude wud devolop into sumtihin the world anit seen or heard cham=new school hes proof rap will never die out like haters say HE DONT RECYCLE RHYMES N HIS SHITS ALL REAL >>>>DAMM
^^^seriously...i dont understand why if u have the time to drop several tight mixtapes over a prolonged period of time, why u cant drop a tight album...anyway, im waitin on a solo also.
^seriously...i dont understand why if u have the time to drop several tight mixtapes over a prolonged period of time, why u cant drop a tight album...anyway, im waitin on a solo also.
^^^thats why he hasnt dropped yet hes smart wants people talkin bout him like that ...he knows hes anticipated wayyy more than crooked i or tech 9 to me ,,paul walls a idiot fuck dyke jones cham is or will be possibly the g.o.a.t ....hes tighter than eminem with the flows i feel prolly same levell but cham has him on style points,credibilty,husle,n not to mention singin on the hooks cham does sum of the tightest hooks ive heard he sounds like a mix of devin n nate dogg