Yehuda said:
Where does it say once in the quran that Israel is promised to those psychotic muslims? The quran was written by a psychotic pedophilia obsessed murdering rapist pig aka mohammed, that book is full of crap.
Their claim to the land is that the Palestinians are descendants of the Caananites.
But that's 100% false.
Arabs arrived in Isreal way after the Isreali's took Isreal from the Caananites.
Even Arab Muslim historians have recorded in their history books that they "moved" in.
Conflict broke out when the early Christians felt that Muslims invaded the Holy land.
I wouldn't say they invaded, as I think I heard the Muslims came in peace. But the Christians were insulted when the Muslims build a Mosque over the Temple Mount.
It was like a slap in the face to Christians and Jews, and of coarse, the crusade was a slap in the face to Muslims.
Moral of the story is, violence doesn't solve anything.
They are still fighting over that land today....
You need to be more sensative bro.
Even if you think you're only being honest at times.
You're not going to win anyone over with insults.
I'm not sure about Mohammed being a rapist but a pedaphile?
I don't know, in some countries, sex with a 9 year old girl isn't pedaphilia.
If you ask me, that I ain't right. I wouldn't want some nut going after my daughter at that age.
But that's me, how ever I understand that this is ok in the Arab world....