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Aug 5, 2004
This part is my favorite

Back in the 12th century there lived an Irish Priest, St. Malache, who was known to be a prophet. According to his biographer, this priest predicted the exact day and hour of his own death. The following comment is based on Hal Lindsey's broadcast, International Intelligence Briefing, which aired Thursday April 14th, 2005 - five days before the new Pope was elected. If any of you saw this broadcast, then you might be as astounded as I was when the new Pope (Cardinal Ratzinger) took the title of "Pope Benedict XV1," as the title seems to fulfill the prophecy St. Malache predicted about him, in the 12th century.

St. Malache was visiting Rome in AD 1139. While in Rome he went into a trance, during which he claims he was given a vision of all the Popes from the death of St Innocent II to the destruction of the church and the return of Christ. He wrote down his vision. He named exactly 112 Popes and anti-popes. He also wrote a few prophetic descriptive words in Latin about each of the 112 Popes. This manuscript was then deposited in the Vatican archives by Pope Innocent II and forgotten. Then in 1590, it was rediscovered and published. Scholars have matched the brief descriptions of each of the 112 Popes and anti-popes, and although some are a bit obscured, they generally fit the profile of each Pope.

These prophecies are in no way the same kind we find in the Bible, but they have a certain relevance. As an example:

Pope No. 108 - Pope Paul V1, served 1968 - 1978. St Malache’s Latin description of him was "Flos Florium" which means "Flower of Flowers." Pope Paul V1 had a coat-of-arms containing three Iris Blossoms.

Pope No. 109 - John Paul I, served only 33 days in 1978. St. Malache’s Latin description of him was "De Meditate Lunae" which means "The Half Moon." John Paul was born in the Diocese called "Beautiful Moon" and was baptized "White Light." He became Pope on August 26, 1978 when there was a half moon, and died the next month right after an eclipse of the moon.

Pope No. 110 - John Paul 2, served from 1978 - 2005. St Malache’s description of him was "De Labore Solis", which means "From the Labors of the Sun." John Paul was born during an eclipse of the sun on May 8th 1920. The sun rises out of the east - John Paul came to the Vatican from the east (Poland). He was the most traveled Pope. Wherever on earth the sun shines - he visited. And interestingly there was an eclipse of the sun on the day of his death.

John Paul was aware of St. Malache’s prophecies. He was concerned about them, and referred to them at least once.

Now that Cardinal Ratzinger is Pope, and according to St. Malache, we only have one Pope after him before the return of Christ. Our new Pope is No. 111 on Malache’s list, and his description is "GLORIA OLIVAE" which means "Glory of the Olive".

An article on the News Max web site refers to this quote: "The meaning of the olive is unclear. The order of ST. BENEDICT - not St. Malache - has claimed that this Pope will come from its ranks, and St. Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of the world - his order known as THE OLIVETANS - will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its final fight against evil" - News Max.

Did you get that? The connection between Cardinal Ratzinger taking the title of Pope Benedict XV1, and St. Benedicts order being known as the OLIVETANS, and St. Malache’s description of this new Pope being "Glory of the Olive".

So far it seems St. Malache is hitting the nail on the head. The next Pope according to St Malache is the last one, and he is described as "Petrus Romanus", which means "Peter the Roman".

Malache states: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven hilled city will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge the people." This dreadful judge is the anti-christ, and Rome is built on seven hills. This ties in with the prophecies of Daniel.

If St Malache’s predictions of the 112 Popes is inspired by God, then the end of the world, as we know it - is just a whisper in time away. The new Pope taking the title of St. Benedict XV1 is another wake up call on how close we are to the end times. Whether you believe this or not, its time to make your stand with God. This can be easily done. If you are not sure what to do, read our commentary on 04/18/04 "Abandoment of Your Will to God (Praying for Salvation)."
Aug 5, 2004
Does anybody in here watch "The History Channel"..if so did you catch the special on the anti-christ I thought that was dope too. I'm really into prophices incase ya'll didn't