you dont get it, his character died as soon as he left WWE just like Jeff Hardy but he didnt fall off as bad as Hardy, Hardy went from superstar to has been overnight. Ironically they faced eachother tonight. Sure Angle can wrestle well still but really it goes under the gun cuz Angle is flat out boring trying to be himself. Its like an actor that is known as a certain character and then when that actor tries to act totally different or just himself in another show or movie it just doesn't seem right and btw the crowd wasnt even into the match so must not have been to exciting
What do you mean the crowd wasnt into it? They were yelling THIS IS AWSOME for more then half the match.
I see what your saying about Hardy and Angel, but in this particular match they were on point. There was only 1 mistake I saw Jeff make and he fixed it and kept on going.
I kind of like the no fear no nonsense Kurt. He goes out there likes he's on a mission and does a good job perfoming. Thats all I can really ask from him. Plus I DONT miss him drinking his milk and toting around gold medals like he did in the WWE.
This match was more exciting then anything WWE has done lately and was the match of the night IMO.
did they reveal who "they" are??
Not until the next payperview 10/10/10