TNA Genisis 2010

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Sicc OG
May 22, 2008
okay i ordered it lemme say so far brian kendrick/amazing red was pretty sick but val venis/chris daniels fuckin' boring...they do not work well as opponents ha....
Dec 29, 2002
both of them are working for now just dont know for how long i have viewed about 10 now and them are the only 2 still working
if it freezes just reload it and it comes back up
Feb 8, 2003
yea they said hall didnt wanna wrestle cause he was hurt and not in shape lol
mr anderson formerly mr kennedy just debuted
but yea the ppv aint been good
yeah he probaly gonna get fired by hogan on thursday bc hulk said he tired of them in that segment.

This ppv is the weakest wrestling shit i ever saw impact is better im tunning off bc we all know either aj will get the clean win over angle or they will have ric flair or sting make some kind of interference in the match.


Sicc OG
May 22, 2008
overall i thought it was a so-so show, ups & some big downs...but lemme break it down:
-Amazing Red def. Brian Kendrick,8/10 (good to start the show sloppy at points but nice high flying)

-"Val Venis" ha def. Christopher Daniels 5/10 (big letdown...these guys were slow and just didn't click)

-Tara def. ODB 7/10 (actually pretty damn entertaining and i always thought Tara was fine not to mention she's a pretty good diva wrestler too:)

-Hernandez & Matt Morgan def. British Invasion 5/10 (not gonna lie kinda dozed off for this match...tell me what happened...)

-Desmond Wolfe def. Pope 7/10(now Pope is one of my fav wrestlers and does great promo work too for TNA...but I thought their match from Impact was better. This was more a ground & pound technical match. It has its back and forth moments in the end, not bad but nothing too special either.)

-Beer Money def. The Click 6/10 (glad Pac wrestled if big ol' Hall woulda been in there then holy shit it would've been even slopier than it was. Storm's expressions made the match entertaining and Pac still looked like he could go, but Nash damn do something new...)

-Mr. Anderson def. Abyss 6/10 (great entrance and mic work from Anderson, like I said he's entertaining as hell. But, boring match, Abyss needs to stick to the hardcore shit it makes him great. Anderson tried to carry him for a bout but eh didn't work.)

-AJ Styles def. Kurt Angle 9.5/10 (another classic match...what'd you expect. Great back & forth, technical, brawling match- yes it had it all. Disapointed with the ending though nontheless it establishes Flair's purpose.)
Dec 4, 2004
Best matches on the card were Pope vs. Desmond and Angle vs. Styles

seems like every TNA ppv there are at least 2 good solid matches. Everything else on this ppv was average to me tho. Fuck Mr. Average.....Average...