Tito B's Another 1 4 Tha Homies update

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Im Gay until I log back in
Oct 30, 2008
Gilaz with Track Killa and Vince
I was talking to Tito at the Summer Slapfest and I asked him about the "Another 1 4 Tha Homies" album and he said that the whole album is done and that he just finished recording the last song for the album all he needs to do now is get it mixed down and mastered and its off to pressing and will be in stores real fucking soon. so the wait is almost over. Dont got a picture of the cover yet but theyre going to post it up soon and the track listings and features will be posted up soon. he was vague on the details but its coming soon look out for it homies
Sep 22, 2007
both of em lol and I dont got X-Box live yet bro If I did I'd probably be on Call of Duty World At War all day like Tito B, No Love & Bugsy lol
There's A Sequel to it bro. Not as funny, but still good. Aww damn you're missin' out. get on that shit Asap brotha. They play on a PS3 though. They need to play on a real mans console. 360.