good shit homie thanks 4 showin sum luv. most likely McNair will rest next week since Titans already clinched hopefully McNair and Eddie George get next week off. shit its jus a game against Houston I dont think we need all our starters 2 win that one.
i think mcnair and probably george will start the game.....mcnair was talking about how bad he wants to win for home-field advantage...granted, it's against houton..but i think they will start...get a lead..then get pulled and let the backups finish it up
i only have one team, SF, but i have taken a lyking to tha Titans since they switched their name from tha Oilers. i'd consider them my #2 team, behind tha almighty NINERZ. congratz on tha clinch.
@Sniko with McNair not 100% im hpoin he dont play or if he does it aint 4 long I want him as fresh as possible come playoffs but either way Im sure he'll handle bizness
@Fatal good shit on the props who knows maybe we will see a Titans/Niners superbowl. Id like 2 see that one.