fuck it i'll do it before i go....
enough with tha bull-shit, itz time to straight pull-hitz/
unload full-clipz, take Tim C and Curt B and murder two-kidz/
you see thiz kid iz whack, he'z juzt hatin on tha double-K/
bitch ill murder you a hundred-wayz today or any other-day/
another-gay bashing for clashin-with-tha-titanz/
my lyrikz will murder you, you're life'z flashin-while-im-typin/
i fucked you up once and got no problem with round-two/
letz see how u do when even less nutriderz surround-you/
ill put it like this, Tim-C....win-me? not-a-chance/
tha fuckin bitch dissed before, i took it N shot-em-back/
call-a-chant cuz you two will need more-than-your-flowz/
since u bit my style Tim ima leave you torn-and-expozed/
my shitz so hot az soon az itz dropped it getz copped-N-bitten/
now stop-N-listen cuz im leavin all opposition lossed-N-missin/
so this iz it, no bitch shit iz gettin past-tha-Nyght-Stalka/
you gayz suck at flowz, so ima get u fagz-to-try-harder/
without my style Tim you'd be rappin like Doctor-Seuss/
but your shit'z a cheap immitation bitch you dont got-tha-juice/
cuz from tha start, thiz fake kid has bittin-my-shit/
uzin my style, all tha while i uzed it to rip-him-to-bitz/
stick-in-tha-clipz, my heat dispensor iz already cocked-back/
pressure built up, when i explode you get "blown on" like snot-ragz/
i drop-fagz so quick tha trickz get hit with sick rigor-mortis/
stick clipz in this shit to unload on a bitch, produce an ill-performance/
tight or not you're still-deformed-bitch, come get-sum-more-trick/
ima unload all i got, if you dont die KK will leave u hit-with-more-clipz/
im gettin-morbid, you two hoez better vacate-tha-boardz/
you're a couple of dick riding bitchez, i dont think u could hate-on-us-more/
now on to tha other bitch on tha scene, who tha fuck iz Curt-B?/
fuck it, ima dispurse-theze bombz on tha tramp, leave hiz frame curling/
you two are sad, a couple of fagz tryna prove-yourselvez/
go againzt tha bezt and loze-ya-health, we come NAZTY like a tuna-melt/
so check this, ima leave both u hoez FUCKED like a pimped-bitch/
nuisez around ya neckz, you foolz are HANGIN like limp-dickz/
theze trickz-get ripped quicker than soggy toilet-paper/
they tryna turn everyone againzt us, but who'z gonna join-theze-haterz?/
we're leavin more-than-craterz in theze putoz craniumz/
theze foolz think they can diss, but Krooked Konceptz iz slayin-em/
now this iz it, it'z over, they're done-for/
RIP Curt B tha hoe and Tim C tha dumb-whore/
nah fuck this, i got room for one-more/
cuz no matter how hard you come, we're too ruff, you still get that rump-tore!