my internet connection iz off so i havent been able to check thiz shyt lately but i did get tha opportunity to hear thoze audioz from Tim C and Tadou. fuck it bro, you wanna go audio thatz fyne. i still got no mic, BUT my homeboy doez and i uzed hiz so you got wut u want homeboy. audio it iz.
keep in mynd thiz iz nowhere near professional quality and for numerous reazonz....
1. my homeboy'z comp suckz (not quite az bad az myne tho)
2. tha mic iz cheap LOL
3. i wuz sick when i did it
but you should be able to hear mozt of wut i say. i didnt have tyme to type out tha lyricz on that lyric/story page or wutever so yall are gonna have to bear with me. my bad if itz muffled or u juzt cant hear it. o yea, i even threw a lil chorus in there for ya. ENJOY.
by tha way, FUCK TIM C AND TADOU. fake ass hoez think they're tyght cuz they did an audio LoL. hope yall are satisfied with tha propz you get on tha siccness cuz you wont get em anywhere else.
oh yea tha lazt verse iz low cuz my homeboy had visitorz so i had to kynda keep it down.
keep in mynd thiz iz nowhere near professional quality and for numerous reazonz....
1. my homeboy'z comp suckz (not quite az bad az myne tho)
2. tha mic iz cheap LOL
3. i wuz sick when i did it
but you should be able to hear mozt of wut i say. i didnt have tyme to type out tha lyricz on that lyric/story page or wutever so yall are gonna have to bear with me. my bad if itz muffled or u juzt cant hear it. o yea, i even threw a lil chorus in there for ya. ENJOY.
by tha way, FUCK TIM C AND TADOU. fake ass hoez think they're tyght cuz they did an audio LoL. hope yall are satisfied with tha propz you get on tha siccness cuz you wont get em anywhere else.
oh yea tha lazt verse iz low cuz my homeboy had visitorz so i had to kynda keep it down.