Fucked up, I carried a razor in my mouth back in my late junior high/early high school years and I never cut my mouth once. And I was in hella fights, dude got all fucked up. He probably needed some stitches in his grill after that shit
why do/did fools carry razors in their mouth anyway? i might sound stupid to some for asking this but i always thought it was an east coast thing and really didnt understand why they did it.
Yeah I always heard about cats from New York carryin razors in their mouth, that would be one hell of a concealed weapon though wouldnt it...oh to answer your question I think fools just pull that shit out and slice motherfuckers.
Concealed weapon, and even if you walk through the metal detectors, usually they assume if its in your mouth, that its just braces. If you know how to hold it right in your mouth you can handle it, pull it out and slice'm up. Or grip it with your teeth when you up close and catch'em like that. I stopped carrying mine in my mouth after my second year of high school. A lot of ppl got scared to fuck wit me, so it wasnt fun no more.