at the beginning i was thinking... "man this fool aint shit" and all of the sudden this mothafucka starts bouncing that shit across the room, bouncing quarters with obstacles and shit... dude got skills i have to admit...
that shit had me hella weak when they showed the slow motion of him gettin hella excited about the double bounce trick. and when the other dude ran around the room and fell on his face. lol. i wonder how good he is with some liquor in him.
the key to playing quarters is make it so you dont have to drink. so i imagine this cat would be the best. hahahahahahahah mix in a girlfriend guy!!!!!!!!!!!! way too much time on his hands.
Yeah this young kid IS good but im wonderin what happens when I make it too.....can he keep it up while buzzin. But fuck ya at least once I would like to go 1 round with him.
dude needs to get out and get some breezy's playin with hi like strip qtrs or someshit get them hoes drunk thats what i wanna see him bouncin them qtrs off bitches asses and titties...then we'lll be talkin haha