These trigger happy KleanKut types are real fuckin geniuses

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Apr 25, 2002
Trigger happy KleanKut type lol. I have never discharged my weapon inappropratly, nor have i killed any innocent people.

If their story was a lie then........... It is dumb ass soldiers like these who give good soldiers a bad name. It is soldiers like these who killed Pat Tillman and numorus other friendlies. Whatever they might have to live with it, but now a person who shouldnt have died is going home to thier family in a fuckin body bag. These soldiers do not belong out on the road. I am out on the road a shit load, and the last thing i want is some ate up peice of shit soldier shooting at me, i have enough in my life to worry about.

If thier story of what happened was true.......The biggest threat in Iraq right now next to small arms fire is VBIEDs (Vehicle Born Impovised Explosive Devices). The soldiers followed thier ROE and stanterd SOP for escilation of force. yell tell them to stop, (at this pont the vehcile is a threat) Fire 3 warning shots in the engine block, if they dont stop or slow down (the driver has become the threat) engade the driver and shoot to kill.

PS If you are trying to provoke me to get in a online battle with some net banger you have failed my friend.


Sicc OG
May 10, 2002
u should respect the fact that those soldiers need to justify weither ppl live or die....and if u rush at a checkpoint speedin and dont slow just signed your own death wish. if anyone is at fault it aint them soldiers....and i dont even support the war.
Apr 25, 2002
KleanKut said:
Trigger happy KleanKut type lol. I have never discharged my weapon inappropratly, nor have i killed any innocent people.

If their story was a lie then........... It is dumb ass soldiers like these who give good soldiers a bad name. It is soldiers like these who killed Pat Tillman and numorus other friendlies. Whatever they might have to live with it, but now a person who shouldnt have died is going home to thier family in a fuckin body bag. These soldiers do not belong out on the road. I am out on the road a shit load, and the last thing i want is some ate up peice of shit soldier shooting at me, i have enough in my life to worry about.

If thier story of what happened was true.......The biggest threat in Iraq right now next to small arms fire is VBIEDs (Vehicle Born Impovised Explosive Devices). The soldiers followed thier ROE and stanterd SOP for escilation of force. yell tell them to stop, (at this pont the vehcile is a threat) Fire 3 warning shots in the engine block, if they dont stop or slow down (the driver has become the threat) engade the driver and shoot to kill.

PS If you are trying to provoke me to get in a online battle with some net banger you have failed my friend.
Apr 25, 2002
KleanKut said:
Trigger happy KleanKut type lol. I have never discharged my weapon inappropratly, nor have i killed any innocent people.

If their story was a lie then........... It is dumb ass soldiers like these who give good soldiers a bad name. It is soldiers like these who killed Pat Tillman and numorus other friendlies. Whatever they might have to live with it, but now a person who shouldnt have died is going home to thier family in a fuckin body bag. These soldiers do not belong out on the road. I am out on the road a shit load, and the last thing i want is some ate up peice of shit soldier shooting at me, i have enough in my life to worry about.

If thier story of what happened was true.......The biggest threat in Iraq right now next to small arms fire is VBIEDs (Vehicle Born Impovised Explosive Devices). The soldiers followed thier ROE and stanterd SOP for escilation of force. yell tell them to stop, (at this pont the vehcile is a threat) Fire 3 warning shots in the engine block, if they dont stop or slow down (the driver has become the threat) engade the driver and shoot to kill.

PS If you are trying to provoke me to get in a online battle with some net banger you have failed my friend.
Jan 21, 2004
^maybe you should do the right thing soldier and report him!

and lmfao@ callin that inttelligence officer a hero for being killed unexpectedly by gunfire.....yeah sounds like a real good trade for your life.....i wanna be a hero too one day.....:rolleyes:
Apr 25, 2002
CcytzO said:
^maybe you should do the right thing soldier and report him!

and lmfao@ callin that inttelligence officer a hero for being killed unexpectedly by gunfire.....yeah sounds like a real good trade for your life.....i wanna be a hero too one day.....:rolleyes:
Jan 9, 2004
ColdBlooded said:
epoxy, TOKZTLI, and DubbC415 since you’re buying I’ve got some land in Florida to sell you at a great price.

I'll be sure to speed right over, unless I see soldiers at a checkpoint right outside Florida.
Apr 25, 2002
Don't bother going 25 mph or notifying the chain of comand that you're coming either cuz you'll still get shot.


Italian Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini said today the car was traveling at no more than 25 mph. He said a light was flashed at the car after a curve, and gunfire lasting 10 or 15 seconds started immediately afterward, disputing U.S. military claims that several attempts were made to stop the vehicle.

Italy's "reconstruction of the tragic event … does not fully coincide with what has been communicated by U.S. authorities," said Fini. He added that the "sequence of acts carried out by the U.S. soldiers before the shooting" is one of the main discrepancies.
Jan 21, 2004
MR. TYPCEE said:
dont you wish the number one dicc rider cuz i opposed you in what 3 posts in 2 threads????....then i guess you aint too popular....i got at least 50 niggaz on this site that like to argue wit far from being number one.....

point is you sound like a bush dicc riding faggot wit that "damn kut you lettin out a too much" bullshit....your a disgrace to your raza homie get that calender out ya sig you aint reppin for no kinda cuase that benifits the mexican race by joining the white mans army and kissin military ass....get ya own mind then come talk to me son.....
Jan 21, 2004
on another note im glad my tax payin dollars and social security earnings are goin to a good use providing ammunition for retarded half blind gunmen and to pay enlisted individuals to learn how to build half ass self-appraising websites.....yes that was a personal shot at you you can cry......
Feb 10, 2004
R.I.P. To a Real Soldado.

The USA does not appreciate the sacrifices that US Marine Andres Raya made in the war against Iraq. There is now a great effort in the US mainstream media, especially the Modesto Bee, to denigrate, demean and demonize the US Marine of Mexican descent. Andres Raya was awarded four medals and ribbons for his meritorious service in Iraq by the US Marine Corps yet the Chief of Police of Ceres, California is now labelling Raya a "gangbanger" and worst a "terrorist". There is no question that Andres Raya was suffering from the "Iraq War Stress Syndrome" which has also victimized other soldiers resulting in their suicides. Andres Raya's life was just as valuable as that of the police officer that he killed. The Bush Administration does not care and is not adequately addressing the problem of returning soldiers who need intensive support.

Yes, it appears that the US Marine of Mexican descent decided that his real enemies were not innocent Iraqi civilians on the other side of the world but that they were here in his own hometown, in Ceres, a redneck town notorious for its mistreatment of his people. This is what happened during the Vietnam War and is now happening in this heinous, racist and demonic US War against Iraq.
Dec 18, 2002
Cmoke said:
create a thread entitled "Dumb ass ppl who rush US checkpoints"
I have a hard time believing that people can't slow down for armed checkpoints. People probably shouldn't be called dumb asses for not making it out of checkpoints alive, seeing as how most of their lives they weren't driving through checkpoints or being colonized and murdered by foreign forces.

I can understand their confusion may conflict with scared and poorly trained soldiers; Kids so scared to die they skip the hand signal warnings and engine block fire because they don't want to take chances.
Dec 2, 2004
Cmoke said:
create a thread entitled "Dumb ass ppl who rush US checkpoints"
refer to my post earlier...

1/2 On It said:
Ive said this before in another thread concerning innocent civilians being shot at US military checkpoints. They have had many problems with these checkpoints because many time they are poorly labeled and warning signs down the road sometimes arent put up. As well as the fact that these checkpoints are constantly moved. Its not like you would have to plow through a fatass barracade to pass one, its just some soldiers on the side of the road and a couple signs that sometimes aren't put up, nothing blocking the way. And many times they have failed to post up warning signs down the road, resulting in innocent people being shot. Why? Because you would have no idea that it's a checkpoint it just looks like some US marines chillin on the side of the road.
there have been numerous civil lawsuits filed against the US military for innocent deaths as a result of the checkpoints failing to post up warning signs and being poorly labeled.
May 10, 2002
KrypticFlowz said:
I have a hard time believing that people can't slow down for armed checkpoints. People probably shouldn't be called dumb asses for not making it out of checkpoints alive, seeing as how most of their lives they weren't driving through checkpoints or being colonized and murdered by foreign forces.

I can understand their confusion may conflict with scared and poorly trained soldiers; Kids so scared to die they skip the hand signal warnings and engine block fire because they don't want to take chances.

if u live have to know whats going can u not? think about it
Apr 25, 2002
1/2 On It said:
Ive said this before in another thread concerning innocent civilians being shot at US military checkpoints. They have had many problems with these checkpoints because they are poorly labeled and warning signs down the road sometimes arent put up. As well as the fact that these checkpoints change places daily, its not like some dude at a booth, its just some soldiers on the side of the road. And many times they have failed to post up warning signs down the road, resulting in innocent people being shot.
there have been numerous civil lawsuits filed against the US military for innocent deaths as a result of the checkpoints failing to post up warning signs and being poorly labeled.
Negitive. on roads especily big ones (what this vehicle was drving on) The checkpoints are located very visably. There are 2-3 tanks on the overpass where the checkpoint is located underneath. There are sandbag fighting postitions at the checkpoints and there is usally a tall watch tower about 1/2 a klick infront of the check point. If you need a big arabic sign that says CHECKPOINT (these people were italian so they couldnt have read it anyways.) then you are a dumbass and should be givin a darwin award. It is like driving through a tollbooth and not knowing it was there.