What is that in your signature?? If its homemade, please dont put our logo on it. I appreciate your support and comments but you ( and many others ) need to understand that we do not have anything to do with the new Cougnut album or ANY of the bootleg copies going around. The ONLY thing we have of Nut that weve put out are the actual verses that he did only for us. Trust me, I want to see the Coug album come out more than anyone but it has NOTHING to do with Apt.3/DNA, nor do the bootlegs that I see going around. Our logo on something like that only causes unwanted rumors that we are bootlegging his music which is the farthest thing from the truth. In fact, we are currently putting together C-Fresh's solo album and Fresh, who was obviously very close to Cougnut, would never allow bootlegs to be put out.
As far as the session at the end of Theme Music, that was done at Coug's mother's house when we were coming up with different ideas for our old website that we shared. That clip was supposed to have been the intro music for the old site, www.apartment3.com ( which is now www.apt3dna.com ).
Again, thank you for your support.