If you were offered your own island, full of fine virgin women, unlimited supply of food, your own mansion, your own lake, for exchange for your current life. You will not be able to socialize with your family or old friends, you cannot bring in anything of your past life, and this person offers your everything that I told you about. In order to have this Island of yours, you'd have to forget about your past family and friends, would you sell out for this Nirvana or Land of Fantasy?
Just imagine the Tupac conspiracy theory, as if you were him. Your past existence was deleted, and you have no name, and you could own this island that no man knew about, only you, this person who gave you the offer, the virgin women, and God, would you just leave your life behind?
Just imagine the Tupac conspiracy theory, as if you were him. Your past existence was deleted, and you have no name, and you could own this island that no man knew about, only you, this person who gave you the offer, the virgin women, and God, would you just leave your life behind?