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Feb 14, 2006
Does n e one here follow the 2012 theories..or know anything about secret organizations such as the NWO, skull and bones, Masons..the pupputeers of the world government or the north american nations cutting down of borders..the new currency ameros or rfid chips..the 9-11 cover up so on and so forth
i know the shit sounds square as fuck but this shit is real talk..smoke a blunt and watch the tellin you its worth it plus if u dont believe it you can at least know alittle about the world
Jun 23, 2003
Many people are blind to the fact that our government hides things in the best interest of the general public. Do I think Bin Laden is behind 911. No. Is Bin Laden even a real person. No I think he is a cia operative. This whole thing is to install fear upon the American people to gain control while getting us to think it is for our own good. With a face like Bin Laden, YOU CANT HIDE. He's dead or in custody. But they cant say we caught him, because then what? Where does the hunt go from there. You know they have studied sound waves and have weapons that can control peoples movements. Incapacitate them whatever. It's science. But it is going to all get used against us one day. America was meant to be a free country, but through time and evolvment it will not be that way for much longer.

Have you read about HAARP. A government program that is running tests on the ionesphere. They bounce powerful sounds off earths shield and have found ways to shut down power and radio waves by doing this. Its a form of a defense weapon. It is also being scrutinized as contributing to global warming. They plan to be able to control the weather using it one day. What if these tests have already created issues already.

I have seen how coorporations lie and cheat and hide things from regular people. I have worked for two very large ones. They go behind your back. They word things to make things not seem as bad. Its all bad. And the US government is more coorporate than any.

The government is full of corruption. Nuff said.
Feb 17, 2005
cia did fund osama for a long time, but this whole zeitgeist thing has been posted here like 3q4690872w436890273456-0323402569782304674672346732460879 different times and yeah its bullshit.
Feb 14, 2006
Many people are blind to the fact that our government hides things in the best interest of the general public. Do I think Bin Laden is behind 911. No. Is Bin Laden even a real person. No I think he is a cia operative. This whole thing is to install fear upon the American people to gain control while getting us to think it is for our own good. With a face like Bin Laden, YOU CANT HIDE. He's dead or in custody. But they cant say we caught him, because then what? Where does the hunt go from there. You know they have studied sound waves and have weapons that can control peoples movements. Incapacitate them whatever. It's science. But it is going to all get used against us one day. America was meant to be a free country, but through time and evolvment it will not be that way for much longer.

Have you read about HAARP. A government program that is running tests on the ionesphere. They bounce powerful sounds off earths shield and have found ways to shut down power and radio waves by doing this. Its a form of a defense weapon. It is also being scrutinized as contributing to global warming. They plan to be able to control the weather using it one day. What if these tests have already created issues already.

I have seen how coorporations lie and cheat and hide things from regular people. I have worked for two very large ones. They go behind your back. They word things to make things not seem as bad. Its all bad. And the US government is more coorporate than any.

The government is full of corruption. Nuff said.
yeah im fully aware of all this..and im actually surprised u had so much to say about all this..good lookin..some times i think to myself im crazy for believein in all this but im not..religion plays the biggest part in all this..its nice to know where not all sheeple
Apr 25, 2002
yeah im fully aware of all this..and im actually surprised u had so much to say about all this..good lookin..some times i think to myself im crazy for believein in all this but im not..religion plays the biggest part in all this..its nice to know where not all sheeple
But some people ARE sheep...some people follow conspiracy theorists and defend that shit more than people defend the government. The problem with conspiracy theorists is, almost ALL OF THEM will argue with you until they are blue in the face, in order to make you believe what they believe. Most conspiracy theories aren't original, a few people came up with them and the rest follow...usually with no grounds to support such claims.

Bin Laden was trained by the U.S., and he got his weapons from the U.S. BUT, Sadaam Hussein was also given help by the United States Government. Does that make him a "CIA OPERATIVE" also? No. The thing is, back in the days our government was too nice and wanted to help every damn body. Do I believe Bin Laden is a "CIA OPERATIVE"? Not at all. Do I believe the government knows where he is? YES! Why haven't they captured him yet? Who knows.

I think the problem is, some people watch too many movies. Lay off the Bourne series, stop watching James Bond, and get back down here with the rest of us. Everything that happens in this world isn't a conspiracy. EXPERTS have said why and how the twin towers and Trade Center 7 fell. The dude that crashed the plane into the Pentagon really crashed the plane into the Pentagon. He was trained in flying, not landing or taking off. If I'm wrong, explain the cockpit tapes with the voices of the terrorists all over 'em. Also, explain the phone calls from the passengers on the planes. Fighter jets couldn't shoot the planes down if they wanted to, because the planes could not be located. There's a switch in the cockpit that takes you off air traffic radar.

Too many people involved in this for it to be a conspiracy. If Bin Laden wasn't responsible, he would have said so. Since he hates the U.S. so much, if the USA was involved with it and said he did it, my bet is that he would have said, "YOU'RE OWN COUNTRY ATTACKED YOU"....
Feb 14, 2006
the binladin family had made so much money off the nine eleven incident..he probly struck some deal with the gov..which said if he took responsiblity for the attack that he would be jus fine and the gov. would never find him..they probly know where he is and jus sendin people to look in the wrong we gonna find saddam in a hole but cant find osama..and that bull shit 9-11 report that jus came out..u really believe that debris from the fire caused the second building to collapse..and how is a couple sandniggers gonna take over a plane with some box cutters in the first place..and what about the day after when all the saudis or iraqis or what ever they were were the only ones allowed to leave the country outta america..rockefeller even admitted years befor
and on this subject fuck the rockefellers, and rothschilds fuck the federal bank whos privetly owned..
Apr 25, 2002
the binladin family had made so much money off the nine eleven incident..he probly struck some deal with the gov..which said if he took responsiblity for the attack that he would be jus fine and the gov. would never find him..they probly know where he is and jus sendin people to look in the wrong we gonna find saddam in a hole but cant find osama..and that bull shit 9-11 report that jus came out..u really believe that debris from the fire caused the second building to collapse..and how is a couple sandniggers gonna take over a plane with some box cutters in the first place..and what about the day after when all the saudis or iraqis or what ever they were were the only ones allowed to leave the country outta america..rockefeller even admitted years befor
and on this subject fuck the rockefellers, and rothschilds fuck the federal bank whos privetly owned..
If I'm not mistaken, Osama Bin Laden was disowned by his family. With that said, Bin Laden wouldn't benefit from his family getting paid. He does his own thing, the rest of his fam. is normal. About Saddam, it's not hard to find somebody when your troops are there, and there are people all over the country that want to see dude dead for all the shit he had done to their families and friends. Yes, a lot of people were too afraid to do or say anything, but you know we already had intelligence there and people that were willing to help us find him. Bin Laden is said to be hiding in one of the roughest mountainous regions in the world, and there aren't cities full of people there that want to see him dead.

About taking over a plane with a box cutter, not a difficult task. First, they had the element of surprise on their side. Nobody on those planes expected to be hijacked, because hijacking here wasn't a big thing since the 1970's. If you catch people off guard, it's easy to control them. Second, they cut a couple folks. If you pull out a knife on a plane full of people, then you stab somebody to show them you're serious, they're going to take you seriously. If you have a fake bomb strapped to your chest, they're going to take you seriously. How many people REALLY know a fake bomb when they see one? These are all elements that the hijackers had on their side. Not a difficult task if planned correctly.
Apr 25, 2002
u really believe that debris from the fire caused the second building to collapse..
YES! Let me explain why, because they just interviewed an engineer that knew that building inside and out.

For one, we all know that burning debris can transfer from one building to another, and that's how fires get out of control. There were plenty of those throughout California this past summer, so it's no spreads.
Throughout Building 7 they had tanks that held diesel fuel to run backup generators. Not only did they have these tanks, but they had pipes that carried fuel between levels. When the fire hit these tanks and pipes, of course, the fire got bigger, hotter, and spread faster. At certain temperatures, steel softens. The support system got soft and gave out, which is when that building collapsed. That's not rocket science.