We drank key light for a period in college, too. Seems like we were paying less than that, tho. Can't say I remember the price. (I wanna say it was something nuts like 9 or 8 for a 30-pack.)
Course, when you're in college, everyone's drinking cheap shitty beer. Nowadays if I stock my fridge w/ Schlitz, most people won't touch it. Back then, we'd buy 3 or 4 30-packs, load up the cooler, and take it to a party. At the end of the night, you might have anywhere from 2-8 beers left in the bottom of the cooler. You just put the next 3 or 4 30-packs on top of it for the next party. After we had about 12 or 24 old beers in the bottom of the cooler that had been warmed up and re-cooled a ton of times, we pulled them out and put them in a smaller cooler and took it to the party with us. Then, when some jackass came over and tried to bum a beer, instead of telling him to go fuck himself like usual, we'd say "Here, have two!" and reach into the small cooler for him.
Not that that has anything to do w/ the thread.... just thought I'd share.