The Source speaks on Eminem/Benzino beef

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Jul 9, 2002
from ''

As the only independent voice for hip-hop, THE SOURCE has a responsibility to remain somewhat of a passive observer and cover events from an objective standpoint. But certain situations require us to speak out and take a more active role. And the ongoing battle between Eminem and Benzino has taken to task issues that we feel affect each and every member of the hip-hop community—and therefore must be addressed.

First of all, the songs aimed at Benzino recently released by Eminem, which attack THE SOURCE’s credibility in the process, are propaganda designed to deflect attention from the real issues. Raymond Scott, aka Benzino, has indeed been a business partner and close friend to THE SOURCE co-founder Dave Mays for a long time, and throughout the years, Dave has supported his music. But don’t get it twisted; Benzino and THE SOURCE are not interchangeable. THE SOURCE has always made it a point to keep Benzino’s music career and the magazine business from interfering with each other. The editorial staff, including the controversial 5-mic committee, has, and always will, operate independently of any outside influences.

THE SOURCE was started out of passion for hip-hop and love for the hip-hop community. Being accepted as the “bible” of hip-hop by over seven million fans monthly is something we take very seriously. Our credibility with the hip-hop audience is the cornerstone of what makes our brand so powerful. THE SOURCE is the only voice that has, for 15 years, accurately chronicled the growth of hip-hop culture.

So when Eminem claims that he’s received unfair treatment in THE SOURCE because of a conflict of interest, where is his qualification? Marshall Mathers was first discovered in THE SOURCE’s Unsigned Hype Column and was given credibility by The SOURCE, throughout his career, through covers, SOURCE Awards, etc. Most recently, in the August ‘02 issue, he was given a highly respected 4-mic rating for his latest album and he even graced the cover of the May ’02 issue.
But unfortunately, even though he seemed to be down with us in the beginning, it appears that Eminem may be becoming a part of a dangerous, corruptive cycle that promotes the blatant theft of a culture from the community that created it. Willingly or not, he is being used as a tool by the corporate machine to steal hip-hop and make it their own. Not since Jazz and Rock’n Roll has a culture influenced so-many people, so quickly, worldwide, the way hip-hop has done, that the powers-that-be felt threatened enough to take it from us.

Hip-hop is the voice of a generation who struggled to make something out of nothing. But now that mainstream media has become extremely comfortable with hip-hop, it’s clear that they’ve begun changing it to fit their standards. Eminem’s blonde-haired, blue-eyed persona has been unanimously accepted, and as a result, he’s become the machine’s poster-boy to influence an audience completely enamored in a once forbidden, predominantly Black and Latino culture.

Just like generations past, when Jazz and Rock’n Roll were lost, it seems that hip-hop culture is being snatched right out from under us. The way things are going, ten years from now, when the mainstream media looks back and explores the topic of hip-hop, it’s quite possible that the important accomplishments of some of our culture’s strongest artists, from Kool Herc and Afrika Bambattaa, to KRS-One to Tupac, will be ignored in favor of familiar faces like Eminem.

As the only truly unrestricted voice for the hip-hop community, THE SOURCE is the one medium that can accurately document and protect our culture’s growth and achievements. With that power comes the responsibility to expose any person or company who affects our culture negatively. In light of the recent chain of events, hip-hop must heed the wake up call. We can’t just sit back while our culture is raped and pillaged. Hip-hop is all we have. We must remain steadfast in our beliefs and ideals.

As hip-hop continues to strengthen itself as the voice for a generation of young people of all racial, socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds, it is only becoming more powerful. It can’t be denied, but as it is embraced by the corporate world and mainstream society, we must not allow outside forces to destroy or take hip-hop away.

The music industry is feeding a lot of people right now—THE SOURCE included, and everybody gotta eat. But what price do we put on our culture? It’s not an easy question to answer. Stay tuned to the February issue of THE SOURCE as we offer testimony from people like media assassin, Harry Allen, who are unafraid to address hip-hop’s current state of emergency…

Online Editor-In-Chief
May 17, 2002
TRUE INDEED. but i must say. eminem ate benzinos ass UP. WOW DID HE EVER!!!

but it should also be stated that its not eminems fault. also he got the credence that vanilla ice and others didnt have.

also many have to take into consideration the "beastie boys" they are white they arent a threat to hip hop.

hip-hop was brought to the mainstream by the auspices of a white guy and a blacc guy. Russel simmons and i cant remember the name of the white dude.

the message will be lost in the music. why? because they didnt just address the issue. if they would have addressed the issue on its own merits instead of trying to assassinate the character of eminem it would have been more potent.

now all it boils down to is this:

Benzino tried to battle Eminem. HE GOT DEMOLISHED. now hes copping out and saying that it was a smoke screen to address an issue. FUCC THAT, THATS A BOLD FACED FUCCING LIE!

that nigga knows damn well it didnt have shit to do with the fuccin state of hip hop. it was jealousy and envy. like eminem said he should take the shit like a fuccin man.

but here's my perspective on Eminem. although he has more credibility than Vanilla Ice he is STILL SOFT. heres why

You can cry bitch and moan about being punked all your life for only so long before people lose interest and say "get over yourself and be a man. Youre RICH NOW!!!"

You can only use the race card "they dont like me because im white" for so long before people are like "FUCC that HELLA NIGGAS LIKE YOU. oh and THE WORLD LIKES YOU too".

you dont see lenny kravitz crying about being a blacc (mixed) rocc star.

if Eminem doesnt stop complaining and just become a proficient and prolific artist he WILL become another vanilla ice.

I personally cant wait till a REAL HOOD white cat blows the scene.
the more tight white cats get on the scene the higher the status quo will be for blacc rappers.


thats my thoughts on the subject,

your friend the magnificent culerd boy




i think eminem, as far as wordplay and making little insults, beat benzino by far

i think benzino hurt eminem more with truth - even if his rhymes were sort of simple and wack - what he was saying had more credence and a more powerful dagger than eminem's little "has-beeno" petty shit.
Apr 26, 2002
I doubt it but I think he would still have a pretty big fanbase...look at Tech N9ne, he isn't on a major label but he's got a HUGE fanbase, just about everyone I know know's who tech n9ne is.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
for real the Source gave Eminem nothin but props and now Emily's cryin cause i guess he felt he deserved 5 mics or somthin. i said it before and i'll say it again : his shit is staight wack soundin, and not even his lyrics can save him from that.
Shohei Baba is right about Benzino tellin the truth. what can anyone really say to put down Bednzino besides that they don't like his shit.
May 11, 2002
the source needs to go home seriously. This is the few times you will hear me voice opinions about rap. The Source is only trying to protect their mainstream, gosh golly kids, from the real world. They know benzino got worked. How are they suppose to write about that? they have magazines to sell as well as Eminem has records to sell. Some just do it better. Some do it for all the cheesy ass Puff Daddy fans, some, which I feel Eminem does not he does it cause he CAN. As opposed to a few fans, they listen to it for the art. I dont go into much about reading about hip hop and rap. But the source is NOT the "bible" of rap. I am sorry. The source is way to subjective, when it comes to east coast. I could care less what "side" you come from but oh well...
May 5, 2002
that magazine is like any other facet of the industry. they take payola for covers and advertising dollars for name drops and mic ratings and now all of a sudden they are worried about the state of hip hop and white kids when they know that most of the 7 million subscribers are white youth demographically. it's only because benzino has an interest in the company that they are speaking up now. if he wasn't, they'd let it slide and not speak on the white rape and pillage of hip hop. i agree with what they are saying, but i don't think it is sincere.
May 11, 2002
honestly. I have never heard this Benzino guy before. Now that I download his shit now. Its like yeah okay. Your alright..but nothing special. He sounds like he is some college kid with a microphone next to his computer seriously. If this is the shit that Source is putting its marketing behind. Then I have found my very reason I do not read the source. Plust he is putting 2 pac in his lyrics? nooooo. He still has yet to prove him self. Talking for Pac is just not working for him. It sounds like he listens to Eminems cd more then the kids at TRL. Shit this is the first time I have ever heard of him.

I know Benzino is not trying to get into some race war either. Cause first off it isn't like that, hip hop as a culture is beyond race. Second he is from Boston sporting all that Celtic gear, where the first Irish imigrants laid their roots, plus as Eminem says it. The owner of the Source is white. Last but not least the Italians are the ones who made orginized crime famous. The Irish and the Jews were the original orginized crime, the Italians took over after probition. So basically Benzino is weak.
May 5, 2002
You can only use the race card "they dont like me because im white"
When does eminem do this? He talked about his struggles trying to get in the game, but now that he's blown up he credits the large scale of his success to being a white rapper...

How is he crying? should we tell black people to stop crying about racism and injustices done to them? Is it even considered crying?

If you gone through shit in your life, your gonna rap about it regardless of what race you are. I'd rather hear someone rap about their stuggles than talk about how many cars they own, which is pretty much the whole state that mainstreem hip hop is in.

and no, I'm not an eminem fan

the white rape and pillage of hip hop
Nov 24, 2002
Gotti and the source,

I just finished reading your letter to the hip hop nation and i am truly astounded at how evil and horrible you and your magazine have truly become. Over the years this so called "Bible" of ours has become more of a tool for the corporate machine then Eminem could ever be. I have watched over the years as the content of your magazine has shrunk while the pointless and useless amount of clothing and video game ads and articles have grown to over half the magazine. Those ads and articles promote our lifestyle to who? Ourselves? I think not. We define the fads. We create the
fads that followers of our culture are so called "raping". I say you are the sellouts. You are no longer about the music. You are about the money. You don't support the underground whether it be west coast or east coast. You don't support the south or mid west. You favor benzino and you always will. I bet if you looked at your own statistics you would see that most of your subscriptions are being sent to upper middle class mostly male white teenagers. Look at who is buying most of these records. It is most definitely not black and hispanic youth. You can no longer sit up high in your corporate offices and tell us what real hip hop is because you yourself don't know. what i am trying to make painfully clear to you is that you are no longer trusted or considered by those of us who thrive within the underground as the hip hop bible. With your glossy clothing ads and talk of hot spring fashions. We from all coasts see your one sided and unfair views of real hip hop. We admonish you for your lack of support for the true underground whether it be from your neck of the woods or not. We admonish you for giving in to corporate america and selling a piece of our soul in the process. You Gotti it is you fucking pieces of shit who kneel down at the foot of corporate america and say yes i will sell my soul for a penny. I will sell our 5 mic ratings . I will turn our once respect magazine into one big fashion show. You brought on the era of bling bling. You made hip hop the fad it is. Don't you ever point your finger at a real hip hop head again. Eminem and other white mc's like him grew up in the same ghettos across america and the world as you. We faced gangs, violence, drugs, poverty and yes racism too. And now we are the ones raping the culture? Fuck you Gotti I AM THIS CULTURE. I AM HIP HOP.

Justin Wade
5150Xo Entertainment
Pueblo Colorado
May 13, 2002
LOL. This is HIILARIOUS on the part of The Source. They didn't write this article because of the beef between Benzino & Eminem they wrote it because Eminem was calling them out on what is undeniably the truth. It's a very small taste of the facts of corporate america...yes "the source" you are part of corporate america. If Benzino has been a "business partner" w/ the source don't come back trying to pass your readers off as some fools trying to tell us those ties have no bearing on decisions involving Benzino.....Shut the hell up. Do you think we're that ignorant? Morons........
Apr 25, 2002
PainLoc said:

Don't you ever point your finger at a real hip hop head again. Eminem and other white mc's like him grew up in the same ghettos across america and the world as you. We faced gangs, violence, drugs, poverty and yes racism too. And now we are the ones raping the culture? Fuck you Gotti I AM THIS CULTURE. I AM HIP HOP.

Justin Wade
5150Xo Entertainment
Pueblo Colorado
im sure you got it bad in big bad
Nov 24, 2002
You can come to pueblo and find out if you want. Last denver cat came around the lo spittin that shit was sent walking bacc up i 25 with nothing but his drawers on. I aint tryin ta start beef with no one be we aint no punks down here either belive that
May 1, 2002
I ain't no big em fan, but the source are true punks for this. They always pull the race card out when a white guy does something people don't like. First off, Benzino isn't captain 'from the streetz' anything. He's already (with his mag) lost all credibility when his wack ass albums get 4 and 4.5 mic ratings. they gave the Chronic 4.5, and also Made Men 4.5. Yall know that? Benzino's wack ass Gay Men group is on the level of Dr. Dre at his prime, according to them. I know yall are more underground then to be jockin Dr. Dre, but that's some bullshit right there. Anyways, we all know their rating system blows... but what kills me, is that they act like Em ain't a true hiphop cat, but Benzino is; why, because he's got half black blood? WTF? Who cares! He looks white, what the hell are they judging that accusation on? Do they realize that 75% of all rap is bought by White Males? Like almost every emcee alive, Em grew up poor as hell, fighting in the street. Maybe he didn't have it as bad as he acts in his songs, but neither did Ice Cube, you know what I'm sayin?

Also, they pull all that shit again about the man, and how this is racist, blah blah blah the powers that be are afraid of rap, blah blah blah. It's the same stuff they said about Elvis. I know I ai'nt gonna catch any elvis fans on here, but that was all bullshit then, this is all bullshit now. Elvis could dance, he could sing, he had tons of talent, but since he was white, in a predominantly black (R&B) genre, he gets shit on. They even tried to make up bullshit stories about he was a racist, etc. when he grew up listening to black music, sang in the choir, all the shit black people did back then. Elvis had soul like a black man, and Eminem has soul like a black emcee (if there is such a thing as a black soul).

I'm not saying that since he's white, he isn't getting preferential treatment, I know he is... But look at Tupac, Biggie, Hell, look at Puff Daddy. They sold tons of shit, and were all over MTV, etc. and they were all black. People accent too much that Em's white, he's just another rapper, and if Puffy's wack ass can get all over t.v., then Eminem's talented ass can.

Why ain't we all bitching about how Jimi Hendrix was the best rock guitarist in the world, Black, in a white man's genre? Because nobody gives a shit. He was talented, he deserves his props, and does't deserve to be called a racist, or for people to say the machine used him, all that crap. It's the same thing with Em; he probably gets breaks because of his image, but read the story about how dre wanted to sign him, not knowing he was white, then thought about dropping him for the same reason, and you'll see how breaks work sometimes.



Sicc OG
May 3, 2002