The Secret agenda that ensures minorities and liberals votes are neutralized!

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Apt3/DNA Mobfather
Nov 14, 2003
First of all I would like to thank the readers and the minds in this forum that are searching for truth, knowledge and answers in these very important times. It is a lot easier to feign interest with a blind eye and ignorance and turn your ear so that you have no responsibilities to yourself or anyone else for the evils that have, or will have consequence eventually! Well a little back ground is in order for this information im going to diseminate! Currently I am a parolee of CDC of California for drug posession charges! I have been to four prisons on my initial and only sentence to prison I was transferred several times because I do not fit the criteria of a model prisoner! Basically I did not let the system make me a recidivist by falling for the divide and conquer ploy within the system and believe it, it is a huge threat! California prisons propagate Gangs because it is a simple form of control! As they did the indians, Black panthers and now Blacks and Mexicans ( Norte, Sur, Bloods, Crips) This was propagated and is essential for the survival of certain americans! We are to powerful together! That Given, I decided to befriend and help out illiterate and uninformed inmates with teaching and basic social skills for that i was held in very high regard among ALL races! Whites, the plethora of spanish speaking individuals, blacks! I speak spanish so that also helped! Along my journey's I was immersed briefly into the muslim world ( My Cellmate was Muslim) I was astounded by the amount of faith and prayer and responsibilities for this religion it is truly an impressive teaching! For example poverty and hunger DO NOT exist in the muslim community! Have you ever seen iraq children begging for food or feed the children commercials for them or ANY muslim country NO! It is because their teachings tell you that if you have enough food for one than you have enough for two and 2 , than 3 and 3 than 4,,,till 7 east, west, north, south and that goes for shelter as well! And it is a social structure of unbelievable respect unlike are individualistic attitudes in the west! That is when I realized my complacency and selfishness was an illusion because ( in my case) true joy was in the eyes of others! Nonetheless I started reading EVERYTHING and studying Law! Know this gets fun, I first discovered the injustices of the penal system in great disproportionate numbers among minorities when i would speak and help them with their appeals and writs! For instance one african american from Los Angeles was sentenced to 12 years in prison for signing his name on a paper that he was duped by signing and he did not one thing Wrong! How do I know Because the only thing he knew how to read was his name he was below 3rd grade literacy skills and the real suspect of the crime admitted to it but since he was first in court his public counsel told him to take the maximum sentence or do life for a crime he didn't commit of first degree armed robbery with an enhancement for a shoplifting prior in 1990 and he was already giving the maximum sentence. He was 38 yrs old! Anyways I read alot of law and started reading statistical and constitutional laws and was intrigued when I found out Felons cannot vote! This is A Federal Law and it does apply to most states however, it does not say if you are charged with a state offense you also forfeit these rights! Feds and states are supposed to be seperate, However the states that apply this restriction are eligible for certain grants so there is the leverage! California and 43 other states adopted this provision! It was a safeguard for slaves, women, anyone thought or deemed deficient in logic, indians, and before that indentured servants to be exempt from voting. It was strictly for rich aristrocrates , When lincoln abolished slavery he also DID allow voting for the ex-slaves since they were now in the laws eyes citizens! But this to was circumvented by puting polling places in White areas and not informing blacks of elections and if they dared show up to a voting poll it closed immediately! Just think about it, Any excuse will work! Any ways the black people of our nation decided to demand fair treatment! So what did they do know to quell the voting of blacks! Well besides killing them and, scaring them and buying votes and other devisive measures they utilized an old loophole and until then unused vague law (which was amended) which prohibited Felons from voting so on infractions blacks would be held liable for felonies and promised release if they plead to it! { hence Plea Bargain} A vote for your freedom under the auspices of the Law. This worked So well that is still in practice today! Do you see it is leverage that is why minorities get flooded with drugs, always get pulled over, are disproportionately locked up! It all comes down to votes! It all comes down to voice it is a democracy for some and prisons for others! I could keep going but thats a very, very brief synopsis of votes and felons I am almost sure this is not enough information for people and I apologize!
Thanks for your time and enduring my long winded bantering. I just want a voice again and this seems to be an extremely informed board! I will be happy to cite and clarify any questions as i will be checking for your replies they are very important to me! Thank you again please share your opinions no one is wrong or right cause in the end we are all bones and dust! But i'd rather die knowing our childrens future is better than mine, then die hating myself for having a child in such an evil world! My God bless you all!!!


Apt3/DNA Mobfather
Nov 14, 2003
Please keep in mind there are MANY other ways to nullify the vote process I just gave you a part of a historical synopsis. There are other methods and now in the computer age they are getting alot more savvy! Be Informed, be pro-active, be yourself!
Sep 28, 2002
For example poverty and hunger DO NOT exist in the muslim community! Have you ever seen iraq children begging for food or feed the children commercials for them or ANY muslim country NO

Not true.
Jan 9, 2004
I think once you did your time, completed parole, and repaid your debt to society, you should be allowed to vote. The thing is, everyone wants to forget about those in prison and dismiss the ones that got out. Then again, sometimes forgiving some crimes is too much to ask of society.


Apt3/DNA Mobfather
Nov 14, 2003
^^^ must have been one of the lucky informed individuals of this society! You must understand your knowledge is not a given in certain areas of the this country! Do not be pompous or arrogant for a gift and a priveledge you were given for being born here or in a EDUCATIONALLY priveledged environment or having some type of literacy skills! A lot of americans are misinformed and don't have the mental resources to decipher what is wrong or right! So I hope you acknowledge your gift and use it! Instead of finding faults in others and wasting an obviously informed mind! That would be worst than ignorance!