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May 2, 2002
half a mil?

the city said it was around 100,000. and the organizers said it was around 400,000. I think its fair to say there werent 400,000 people. but I'll give em the benefit of the doubt and say 250,000. a QUARTER million.
Sep 9, 2003
bill oreilly said on the radio factor last week that their was no way a quater million people would show up. he said he be suprised if more than 20.000 showed up. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

just goes to show you how out of touch a lot of journalist are. cause o reilly wasnt the only one that predicted that.

and i honestly think millons apon millions of people are pissed at bush for 1 reason or another. and will protest theirselfes in the voteing booth on election day.

i dont think these polls that got the race all close are accruite. i think their still callin the people they called for the 2000 race. everywhere i go motha fuckas are hateing bush. thats just what im seeing with my own eyes.
Jun 18, 2004
Spitz said:
bill oreilly said on the radio factor last week that their was no way a quater million people would show up. he said he be suprised if more than 20.000 showed up. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

just goes to show you how out of touch a lot of journalist are. cause o reilly wasnt the only one that predicted that.

and i honestly think millons apon millions of people are pissed at bush for 1 reason or another. and will protest theirselfes in the voteing booth on election day.

i dont think these polls that got the race all close are accruite. i think their still callin the people they called for the 2000 race. everywhere i go motha fuckas are hateing bush. thats just what im seeing with my own eyes.
That's the thing though...Oreilly knows exactly what he is saying...he is trying to downplay the amount of people protesting bush...same goes for those support numbers. FNC has found out that if you keep saying something that is false is the truth, people start to believe it at some point, so the reason that shit seems crazy and out of touch, is because it is.
Jan 9, 2004
I'm not paying attention to the talking heads, if I watch the convention it will be on C-SPAN, where no one is chipping in their 2 cents worth of propaganda.
May 13, 2002
I got comrades over there and from what I’ve been hearing the vast majority of the people have that “anybody but bush” attitude. They just want him out of office. If the Dems actually had brains and had faith in the people they would be there right now organizing and giving speeches and getting the people excited about Kerry. But nope, they are pussies whose interests are not that of the common man.
Oct 20, 2003
^^ lol dont let close minded ppl get to u guys- ne ways this shit is crazy.. fuckin all bullshit- but as long as ppl see this, then the word is getting spread- FUCK BUSH

my opinion u dont like it - aint my problem.