The revolution will not be televised

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May 13, 2002
(we used to have a thread about this film but it seems to be long gone)

I want to encourage anyone who is interested to either download this film on the net somewhere or hit me up PM and I might be kind enough to send you a free copy.

I just got back from Univ. of Washington where my comrades and I showed a bootleg copy of this film on the big screen to the public. We had a very high turnout since a couple of the local media newspapers (seattle weekly & the stranger) advertised it for free.

This film is about the coup d¹etat against President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela that was led by the rich opposition and funded by the U.S in April 2002. The filmakers from Ireland were actually with Chavez filming before the coup, so they are there during and after the coup. This film shows exactly what occured. It really is amazing to see how the people rose up and fought the coup- democracy at it's finest.
May 13, 2002
Heres a few links that can give you some background:

In short, Chavez is the (Left-Wing) Democratically elected president of Venezuela. Venezuela has always been a very poor country, where a very small percentage of rich control the majority of the wealth and land. Chavez was elected and promised massive amounts of reforms, including giving land to the poor and nationalisizing the oil. (Venezuela is the 4th largest oil producer of the world). The (rich) opposition didn't like this, inlcuding the U.S who have interests in Venezuela, and led a coup to overthrow Chavez in '02, which was successfull only for a couple days. The people rose up, and demanded chavez as their president.

Recently, there was a recall- the opposition forged hundreds of thousands of signatures, they had an election anyways, and chaves won again.

Chavez is the first indigenous president of Venezuela.
Jul 7, 2002
here's something that made headlines a few weeks back

Last week the New York Times reported on recently released CIA documents showing that our government had advance knowledge of the military coup that briefly overthrew Venezuela's democratic government on April 11-13 of 2002. The Bush administration not only failed to warn Venezuela of the coup ... but actually pretended that it wasn't a coup at all.