If you wouldn't mind sharing, what's the most Significant day of your life. For me aside from Graduating High School, getting a load of money during the summer after a month of hard work. Maybe the most important day, was when I found out my mother was spared from Death. Up until that day and even today I still take life for granted, but when I come to the realization about what I almost lost, I literally get on my knees and thank God(whether you believe in him or one that's up to you) and thank him for keeping her alive. If she ever died, I probably would have gotten deeper with the Illegal Activities the "homeboys" were doing.
I think I have more days which will come as more significant, but recently that's one. Maybe my marriage or the birth of my child, but until that day, this was my eye awakening. What's yours?
I think I have more days which will come as more significant, but recently that's one. Maybe my marriage or the birth of my child, but until that day, this was my eye awakening. What's yours?