The Militarization of Space

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May 13, 2002
Space hasn't yet been weaponized but it is already highly militarized, thanks to a money-hungry arms industry & a commission started by Rumsfeld.

Last January 11, a missile launched from China’s Xichang Space Center destroyed a satellite 537 miles above the Earth’s surface. Although the target was a weather satellite belonging to China itself (shot down ostensibly because it was obsolete), the act clearly rattled the U.S. space establishment.

Said one observer, “The new space policy says we can defend the heavens with technology. But we can’t, and the Chinese just proved it.”

Precisely six years earlier, on Jan. 11, 2001, the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization issued a report to Congress. The group, which had been headed by President-elect George W. Bush’s Defense Secretary-to-be Donald Rumsfeld, asserted that it’s only a matter of time until there’s all-out war in the heavens:

We know from history that every medium — air, land and sea — has seen conflict. Reality indicates that space will be no different. Given this virtual certainty, the U.S. must develop the means both to deter and to defend against hostile acts in and from space — and ensure continuing superiority.​

The current thinking of military and industry officials was revealed last month at the annual Strategic Space and Defense Conference in Omaha, Nebraska. At that meeting…

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